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Incoming forces

CBN Toriino

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Prepare for one of the most action packed-shooters in PC gaming history! Every level is full of enemies and targets for you to destroy! You will become a soldier of the alien species and protect your home world from the forces of the Human armada.

Both games were famous for fast-paced action, hordes upon hordes of enemies and incredible, cool and satisfying gameplay – this pack is perfect both for hard core action shooter gamers and “Sunday school” casuals. Tons of fun included.


Incoming Forces is the sequel to the multi-million unit selling, award winning and critically acclaimed Incoming. Set 20 years after the original, Earth has now discovered the secret of sustainable long distance space travel and their forces are gathered and seeking to destroy all hostile planets, in particular four alien worlds in a small distant galaxy. Your task is to defend these planets at all costs.


In the first game, you assumed the role of humans fending off an attack by aliens. The plot of the sequel is basically the same, except now you're aliens warding off humans who are still evidently upset about the events in part one. Though the perspective has done a perfect 180, the action remains essentially the same. You'll pilot an array of ground and air vehicles while shooting at enemy air and ground vehicles.
The game is spread across 16 long missions. Each mission is broken into a linear series of five or six secondary tasks such as escorting friendly vehicles, defending installations, and defeating groups of attackers. You'll occasionally have more unusual goals, such as defending equipment or destroying an opponent's shields without actually destroying its ship, but these are rare. Each secondary task begins with a suggested vehicle, and though you're always free to switch to any friendly unit that you find, it's usually best to go with the recommended one.
The vehicles include a few variations of fighter jets, artillery tanks, hovertanks, and turrets. The plane control is decent enough, but the tanks seem awkward and sluggish, and they make turning and firing a chore in the heat of battle. Your progress is permanently saved only at the end of each mission (though there are two or three "soft" saves within each mission), making the sometimes-sluggish control more frustrating than it otherwise would be. Occasionally, you'll have wingmen you can issue basic orders to. It's not an innovative feature, but the presence of autonomous friendly units on the battlefield provides a real sense that you're in the middle of a pitched fight between two actual forces.
For the successor to a game known primarily for its visuals, Incoming Forces' graphics are pretty average. The game has some good special effects-there's a nicely rendered penetrable cloud layer over the terrain, some well-done water, and a few impressive particle-effect explosions. But overall, the game's visual design is consistently bland and repetitive. The sky changes colors, there are varying degrees of height in the terrain, and sometimes it rains, but generally speaking, every level looks a lot like every other level. And unfortunately, every level of Incoming Forces also plays a lot like every other level.
The game has a few multiplayer options, including eight-player deathmatch and team deathmatch modes. However, the game doesn't have a built-in server browser, and there's no support for the simultaneous use of ground and air vehicles--a server can only implement one or the other. Considering that there are just four available maps on which to play the game, Incoming Forces' multiplayer component just doesn't compare to other, more high-profile multiplayer action games.
Though it's certainly not bad, Incoming Forces isn't likely to inspire much excitement in anyone. It's competent without being very imaginative or thrilling, and as such it's the type of thoroughly generic action game that's best played in small doses, if at all.
Trailer & gameplay:


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