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The unknown task - Event

South Maximus

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Castigatorii rundei 6 sunt/ The winners of the sixth round are:

Locul 1: @@HG Bagwell, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @@Gisele, - 1 pct


Gisele - 12 puncte

Bagwell - 7 puncte

[Cr - 6 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 punct

[T4L]LTERAIL - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

ATENTIE! A saptea runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te intr-un avion de tip Andromada.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The seventh round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in an Andromada plane.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 7 sunt/ The winners of the seventh round are:

Locul 1: @, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 12 puncte

Bagwell - 9 puncte

[Cr - 7 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 6 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 punct

Necomercial - 2 puncte

@, eu i-am zis sa dea Edit. Raspunsul se ia in considerare, scuze.

Dimineata, voi posta sarcina rundei cu numarul 8!

In the morning, I will post the task of the round 8!

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ATENTIE! A opta runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te langa un asasin.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The eight round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near a hitman.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 8 sunt/ The winners of the eight round are:

Locul 1: @@HG Bagwell, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 12 puncte

Bagwell - 12 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 8 puncte

[Cr - 7 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Dimineata, voi posta sarcina rundei cu numarul 9!

In the morning, I will post the task of the round 9!

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ATENTIE! A noua runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te executand animul [/crack].

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The ninth round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself while making the anim [/crack].

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

Imi cer scuze de intarziere, am avut niste probleme personale si nu am putut intra. Sorry for beeing late, I had some personal problems and I could't enter.

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Castigatorii rundei 9 sunt/ The winners of the ninth round are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 15 puncte

Bagwell - 14 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 9 puncte

[Cr - 7 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! A zecea runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te e o barca, in ocean.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round number 10 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself on a boat, in the ocean.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 10 sunt/ The winners of the round 10 are:

Locul 1: @@HG Bagwell, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @@Gisele, - 1 pct


Bagwell - 17 puncte

Gisele - 16 puncte

[Cr - 9 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 9 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! A unsprecezea runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te in fata businessului Gun Game Arena.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round number 11 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in the front of the Gun Game Arena business.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 11 sunt/ The winners of the round 11 are:

Locul 1: @@HG Bagwell, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @, - 1 pct


Bagwell - 20 puncte

Gisele - 16 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 11 puncte

[Cr - 10 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Dimineata, voi posta sarcina rundei 12!

ATTENTION! In the morning, I will post the task of the round 12!

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