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B-Olympics Summer 2015 - Anunturi / Announcements

Black Thief

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Anunturi / Announcements

In acest topic voi face anunturile importante legate de olimpiada.

In this topic I will make the important announcements about the olympiad.




Proba 7 - The last stand & Proba 8 - Mirror's Edge

Probele din data de 21.08, Proba 7 - The last stand & Proba 8 - Mirror's Edge au suferit modificari in ceea ce priveste ora desfasurarii. Intrucat nu pot organiza proba de la ora 15, aceasta se va amana pentru ora 19. Imediat dupa ce se termina aceasta, va incepe proba 8, la ora 20.

Aceste 2 probe nu vor dura mult, dat fiind faptul ca sunt de tip LMS si cursa. Multumesc pentru intelegere.

The events from 21.08, Event 7 - The last stand & Event 8 - Mirror's Edge suffered some modifications. The time of the event start is now 19 for the event 7 and 20 for the event 8. That's because I can't come at 15 hours. Those 2 events won't last very long, as the type is LMS and DM. Thank you for understanding.

Edited by South Black Thief
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Premierea castigtorilor olimpiadei de vara 2015 va avea loc Duminica, 23.08.2015, la ora 21. Va astept in numar cat mai mare. Locatia evenimentului va fii precizata in game, la momentul desfasurarii. Tot atunci, factiunile vor primi premiile speciale pentru locul 1, 2 si 3, cat si premiile pentru factiunile cu cele mai multe faction points adunate pe parcursul probelor.


The award ceremony for the summer olympiad 2015 will be held Sunday, 23.08.2015, at 21 PM. I am looking forward to seeing a big number of players there tonight. The location of the event will be established tonight, in game. Also then, the factions will receive their prizes for the first 3 places and the prizes for the factions with the most faction points.

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