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Bug [/startlesson]

South Maximus

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Nick-ul tau: Maximus.rtv

Server: RPG1
Descrierea bugului: Daca un jucator are nivel mai mic de 50 dar are destule puncte de respect pentru a da [/buylevel] la minim nivel 51, acesta nu poate primi licente. Daca se aplica varianta "Nivel 10-50" iar jucatorului i se da [/startlesson], apare urmatorul text: "This player's level is too high to take a lesson." Daca se aplica varianda "Nivel 50+" si primeste direct [/givelicense], apare urmatorul text: "This player is not taking any lesson." Astfel, acesta nu poate primi licente.
Screenshot(s): http://imgur.com/CM5Q64O

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