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adaugare /cancel client

AshimaPetrisor LVSI

Doriti adaugarea posibilitatii de a renunta la un client acceptat?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Doriti adaugarea posibilitatii de a renunta la un client acceptat? You want to implement one way to refusa an accepted customer?

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Peste tot se intampla ca vreun instructor sa dea peste un client care se plimba pe harta dupa ce i s-a acceptat comanda sau are un comportament necivilizat. Acestea sunt cazuri cand putem refuza clientul insa acest lucru este greu de aplicat fiindca suntem blocati cu checkpoint activ pana ajungem la acesta.


Propun adaugarea comenzii /cancel client sau orice alta formula asemanatoare celei de /cancel checkpoint ori posibilitatea ca la comanda /cancel checkpoint sa putem scoate si checkpoint-ul de pe clienti.


Daca vreau sa renunt la un client singura posibilitate de a lua alt client este sa dau /q si sa revin sau sa ajung pana la el.







Everywhere happens that any instructor to give than one client who walks on the map after being accepted the order or has an uncivilized behavior. These are cases where the customer can be refuse but this is difficult to implement because we are stuck with active checkpoint until reach it.

I propose addition /cancel client or any formula similar to that /cancel checkpoint or possibility that in command /cancel checkpoint we can refuse the customer.

If you want to refuse a client only way to get another client is to do /q and return or reach him.

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