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Las Venturas Taxi - Informații despre testul de intrare | Test log informations

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Aici gasiti ce trebuie sa stiti pentru a putea intra in Las Venturas Taxi.



Locatii pe care trebuie sa le stiti / Locations that you have to know:


Oraşul Los Santos


Facţiuni (Headquarters)

  1.   HQ Los Santos Taxi Company (LS Taxi)
  2.   HQ Tow Truck Company (TTC)
  3.   HQ Los Santos School Instructors (LSSI)
  4.   HQ Green Street Bloods (GSB)
  5.   HQ Vietnamese Boys (VTB)
  6.   HQ Verdant Family (VDT)
  7.   HQ Los Santos Police Departament (LSPD)
  8.   HQ Hitmen Agency (HA)


Joburi (Jobs)

  1.  Lawyer (Avocat) / Detective (Detectiv)
  2.  Trucker (Camionagiu)
  3.  Farmer LS (Fermier LS)
  4.  Bus Driver LS (Şofer de autobuz LS)
  5.  Arms Dealer LS (Distribuitor de arme LS)
  6.  Garbageman LS (Gunoier LS)
  7.  Chemist (Chimist)
  8.  Drugs Dealer LS (Crackhouse LS)
  9. Farm LS (Parcele)
  10. Electrician

Locaţii importante (Important locations)

  1.  Jail (Închisoare)
  2.  DMV (Examen auto)
  3.  City Hall LS (Primărie LS)
  4.  Hospital LS (Spital LS)
  5.  Vehicle Dealership (DS - Distribuitor de vehicule)
  6.  Transfender LS (Tunning LS)
  7.  Car Rent LS (Închirieri maşini LS)
  8.  CNN LS (Cable News Network LS - Anunţuri LS)
  9.  Bank LS (Banca LS)
  10.  Rent Bike LS (Închirieri motoare LS)
  11. GYM LS (Sala de gimnastică LS)
  12.  Racing Arena (Arena de curse de maşini)
  13.  Paintball Arena (Arena de paintball)
  14.  Airport LS (Aeroport LS)
  15.  Sex Shop LS (Magazin de jucării pentru adulţi LS)
  16.  (White) Weapons Store LS (Magazin de arme albe LS)
  17.  GSLS (Gun Shop LS - Magazin de arme LS)
  18.  Blueberry Bunker
  19.  Farm Biz (Biz-ul Agricol - ID 158)
  20.  Tasks Catalin
  21. Misiunea Nea Mirel
  22. Misiunea OG Loc


Orasul Las Venturas


Facţiuni (Headquarters)

  1.  HQ Las Venturas Taxi Company (LV Taxi)
  2.  HQ Las Venturas School Instructors (LVSI)
  3.  HQ Paramedics 
  4.  HQ News Reporters (NR)
  5.  HQ Las Venturas Police Departament (LVPD)
  6.  HQ National Guard (NG)
  7.  HQ The Tsar Bratva (TTB)
  8.  HQ Red Dragon Triads (RDT)
  9.  HQ Southern Pimps (SP)

Joburi (Jobs)

  1. Quarry Worker (Muncitor in carieră)
  2. Transporter (Curier)
  3. Car Mechanic (Mecanic)
  4. Car Jacker (Hoţ de maşini)
  5. Garbage Man LV (Gunoier LV)
  6. Fisherman (Pescar)
  7. Archeologist LV (Arheolog LV) + Sit arheologic LV
  8. Drugs Dealer LV (Crackhouse LV)
  9. Arms Dealer LV (Distribuitor de Arme LV)
  10. Farm LV (Parcele)

Locaţii importante (Important locations)

  1.  Car Rent LV (Închirieri maşini LV)
  2.  Boat Rent LV (Închirieri bărci LV)
  3.  CNN LV  (Cable News Nettwork LV - Anunţuri LV)
  4.  Bank LV (Banca LV)
  5.  GYM LV (Sala de gimnastică LV)
  6.  Transfender LV (Tuninng LV)
  7.  4 Dragons Casino LV (Casino-ul 4 Dragons - Barbut/Dice)
  8.  Church LV (Biserica LV)
  9.  War Arena  (Arena de lupte cu Hydra/Rhino/Hunter)
  10.  Bike Rent LV (Închirieri motoare LV)
  11.  Airport LV (Aeroport LV)
  12.  Plane Rent LV (Închirieri avioane) 
  13.  Sex Shop LV (Magazin de jucării pentru adulţi LV)  
  14.  (White) Weapons Store LV (Magazinul de arme albe LV)
  15.  Car Market (Bazar auto)
  16.  Diablo Bunker
  17.  Poker Casino
  18.  Trader shop (Traderul Egiptean/Egyptian trader) 
  19.  GSLV (Gun Shop LV - Magazin de arme LV)


Orasul San Fierro


Facţiuni (Headquarters)

  1.  HQ San Fierro Taxi (SF Taxi)
  2.  HQ San Fierro School Instructors (SFSI)
  3.  HQ San Fierro Police Departament (SFPD)
  4.  HQ San Fierro Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  5.  HQ Avispa Rifa (Avispa Rifa)
  6.  HQ El Loco Cartel (ELC)
  7.  HQ 69 Pier Mobs (69 PM)
  8.  HQ Sons of Anarchy (SOA)

Joburi (Jobs)

  1.  Lumberjack (Tăietor de lemne)
  2.  Miner (Miner)
  3.  Bus driver SF (Şofer de autobuz SF)
  4.  Drugs Dealer (Distribuitor de droguri)
  5.  Pocket Thief (Hoţ de buzunare)
  6.  Drugs Dealer SF (Crackhouse SF)
  7.  Arms Dealer SF (Distribuitor de Arme SF)
  8.  Archeologist SF (Arheolog SF)
  9.  Farm SF (Parcele)

Locaţii importante (Important locations)

  1.  Car Rent SF (Închirieri maşini SF)
  2.  CNN SF (Cabble News Network SF - Anunţuri SF)
  3.  Bike Rent SF (Închirieri motoare SF)
  4.  Bank SF (Banca SF)
  5.  LCS Arena SF  (Arena Last Car Standing SF) 
  6.  Airport SF (Aeroport SF) 
  7.  GSSF (Gun Shop SF - Magazinul de arme)
  8.  GYM SF (Sala de gimnastică SF)
  9.  Gun Game Arena (Arena de duele cu arme)
  10.  Transfender SF (Tunning Gara SF)
  11.  Sex Shop SF (Magazin de jucării pentru adulţi SF) 
  12.  White Weapon Store SF (Magazin de arme albe SF) 
  13.  PUBG Arena SF 
  14.  Basin Bunker
  15.  Crates (Cutii premii speciale) 
  16.  Craftsman Biz SF (Biz Mester SF)
  17. Misiunea Ryder
  18. Misiunea Dimitri Patrenko



Proba teoretica:

  • Aceasta proba consta intr-un set de intrebari din tot ce tine de Las Venturas Taxi Company.
  • Greselile se vor puncta de la 0,5 pana la 1 punct de penalizare. (0,5 pentru raspunsuri incomplete si 1 pentru raspuns gresit/incorect/intarziat)
  • Greselile vor fi penalizate in functie de importanta intrebarii.
  • Cand acumulati 3 puncte de penalizare sunteti declarat RESPINS.
  • Testerul este obligat sa detina dovezi cel putin 7 zile de la data la care a fost sustinut testul.


Proba practica:

  • Aceasta proba consta in abilitatile voastre de condus si cunoasterea locatiilor obligatorii.
  • Testerul il va pune pe candidat sa il duca la 15 locatii (5 locatii pe oras).
  • Cand acumulati 5 puncte de penalizare la aceasta proba sunteti declarat RESPINS.
  • Testerul este obligat sa detina dovezi cel putin 7 zile de la data la care a fost sustinut testul.
  • candidații sunt obligați să dețină dovezi în cadrul testului practic în caz de doresc să conteste decizia, nu testerul


Sistem de penalizare la proba practica:

  • 1p - daca distrugeti masina (a 2-a oara cand masina este distrusa sunteti declarat RESPINS);
  • 1p - daca ramaneti fara combustibil (aveti dreptul la o singura alimentare din momentul in care testul a inceput);
  • 2p - daca nu stiti o locatie;
  • 2p - daca sunteti sanctionati de catre un membru PD;
  • 2p - daca ocoliti;
  • 5p - daca ramaneti fara permis (atat suspendata cat si expirata);
  • 5p - pentru Drive-by (omorati pe cineva in timpul testului).



  • Aveti dreptul la un repair pe parcursul probei.
  • Testerul are dreptul de a folosi vehiculul personal pentru proba practica. In caz ca vehiculul este tunat cu NOS si/sau Hidraulice testerul este obligat sa ii aduca asta la cunostinta candidatului. Acesta poate sa refuze utilizarea acestui vehicul sau poate opta pentru utilizarea lui, pe proprie raspundere, in caz de sanctiune. 
  • Toate aceste puncte de penalizare se vor cumula in timpul probei practice.
  • Daca va lasati AFK in timpul testului sunteti picati.
  • Daca veniti la test cu wanted si sunteti arestati de politie picati testul.



*** Pentru a fi declarat ADMIS trebuie sa treceti toate probele!

*** Daca nu susțineți testul de intrare în intervalul orar stabilit de lider veți fi RESPINŞI automat prin neprezentare la teste.


Proba pe teren:

Aceasta proba se va utiliza doar in caz de departajare!

(atunci cand doi sau mai multi candidati au avut acelasi punctaj, iar locurile in factiune sunt limitate)


  • Candidatul va merge intr-un loc si va astepta ca cineva sa urce / va accepta o comanda cu ajutorul comenzii [/accept taxi].

  • Testerul va lua in considerare comportamentul acestuia cu clientul, drumul ales de candidat si viteza in care acesta isi termina comanda.

  • Un candidat cu o atitudine indiferenta fata de client, care il ocoleste sau face in asa fel inca sa castige cat mai mult de pe urma comenzii va fi automat respins.

  • Testerul este obligat sa detina dovezi cel putin 7 zile de la data la care a fost sustinut testul.


Sistem de penalizare pentru proba pe teren:

  • 1p - ocolire;
  • 1p - vorbit la telefon in timpul comenzii;
  • 1p - fare gresit;
  • 1p - dezinteres fata de client (nu comunici cu el daca te intreaba ceva, nu il saluti cand intra si coboara din taxi);
  • 1p - miscarea vehiculului inainte de a primi destinatia finala;
  • 2p - /eject aiurea;
  • 4p - explodarea vehiculului in timpul testului;
  • 4p - comanda dus-întors/1 km/plimbat;
  • 4p - necunoasterea locatiei.








Theoretical Test: 

  • This test contains a set of questions from all topics from Las Venturas Taxi Company.
  • You will get 0,5 points to 1 point penalty points (0,5p for incomplete answers & 1p for incorect/wrong/late answer)
  • Penalty points will be given according to the importance of the question.
  • When you reach 3p you will be REJECTED.
  • The tester is required to have evidence for at least 7 days from the date on which the test was taken.


Practical Test:

  • This test will proove your abilities to drive and your knowledge of  the important locations on the map.
  • Tester will ask the candidate to take him to 15 different locations (5 locations per city). 
  • When you reach 5 points you will be REJECTED.
  • candidates are required to have evidence in the practical test if they wish to challenge the decision, not the tester

Penalty system:

  • 1p - if you destroy the car (2 times during test = REJECTED);
  • 1p - if you ran out of fuel (you can refill 1 time during test);
  • 2p - if you don't know a location;
  • 2p - if you detour;
  • 2p - if you get fined for breaking the speed limit;
  • 5p - if your driving license is suspended or expires.;
  • 5p - for drive-by (you kill someone during test).
  • 5p - if you stay AFK (2-3 times).


  • You have the right to one (1) repair and one (1) refill during test.
  • The tester has the right to use his personal vehicle for the practical test. If the vehicle is tuned with NOS and/or Hydraulics, the tester is obliged to inform the candidate. He may refuse to use this vehicle or may choose to use it, on his own responsibility, in case of any ticket that he might receive from a PD.
  • All this penalty points will accumulate during the practical test.
  • If you're AFK during the test, you'll be rejected.
  • If you come to be tested with wanted and the police arrest you, you'll be rejected.
  • The tester is required to have evidence for at least 7 days from the date on which the test was taken.


*** You have to pass all tests in order to be declared as PASSED.

*** If you don't show up for the entry test within the set hourly interval by the leader you will be REJECTED automatically for no showing up at tests.


Terrain Test: 

This test will be used only in case of tiebreaking!

(when 2 or more candidates had the same score and places in the faction are limited)


       - The candidate will go someplace and wait for someone to come in his taxi / accept a command using [/accept taxi];

       - The tester will consider candidate's behavior with the client, the chosen way to speak with the client and the speed for finishing his command;

       - A candidate with an indifferent attitude towards the customer, who detour him or want to earn more from his order than he can, will be automatically rejected;
       - The tester is required to have evidence for at least 7 days from the date on which the test was taken.

Penalty system:

  • 1p - detour;
  • 1p - answer the phone during the order;
  • 1p - wrong fare;
  • 1p - customer disinterest (not communicate with him if he asks you something, do not say hello when he enters and gets down);
  • 1p - vehicle moving before receiving final destination;
  • 2p - unexplained  /eject;
  • 4p - exploding vehicle during the test;
  • 4p - round-trip order/1 km
  • 4p - for not knowing the location.






Edited by naitreaba
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