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8 hours ago, cedryk public enemy said:

pai dau deja doar ca fara manusi, imi pun doar din ala alb nu stiu cum ii zice, gen pe care ti-l pune peste o rana ceva daca te tai.

imi place sa simt direct cum lovesc i aint no pussy ass nigga i'on need no protections

eu dadeam cu mainile goale, aveam sange pe oasele alea de la pumni, e periculos sa dai fara manusi sau cum dai tu, iti poti rupe ingheietura

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1 minute ago, TLG NarcisG said:

Oh.. ce drum lung o sa aiba Erwin cu Levi, n-ai idee cum se va sfarsi :( 

Bro eu eram ironic, credeam ca i-ai incurcat ultima oara =))

Si crede-ma, sunt la curent cu manga, cam am idee cum se va sfarsi

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1 minute ago, Lil Wald said:

Tot la fel de handicapat ai ramas, de cand te stiu =))


Ce mai faceti ba?

In momentul de fata caut peste tot, in toate genurile muzicale, melodii


Pe scurt bine fac, dar tu?

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24 minutes ago, Lewoo said:

In momentul de fata caut peste tot, in toate genurile muzicale, melodii


Pe scurt bine fac, dar tu?

asculta 5gang, f. munteanu, abi, ce "muzicieni" esuati mai exista? mai gasesti tu p'acolo.

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2 minutes ago, Clanin3 said:

asculta 5gang, f. munteanu, abi, ce "muzicieni" esuati mai exista? mai gasesti tu p'acolo.

Ma crezi asa retardat? Pls clanin3, pls


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29 minutes ago, Lewoo said:

Ma crezi asa retardat? Pls clanin3, pls


ok ok, alunelu aluneu hai la joc, trei culori cunosc pe lume, ce te legeni codrule - varianta muzicala.

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29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo29.01.2018 - Promoted to rank 6 News Reporters by Lewoo

Imi place cum arata

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