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About Qur'an [The Book of Allah]

ToV Hrean

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QUR'AN is the book of Allah. whatever is written in it is 100% saying of Allah and it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw) by the messenger of Allah i.e Hazrat Jibrael (as). the Qur'an was completely revealed in 23 years. if is one book which contains complete code of life and teaches us how to live our life. it contains 114 surah and 6666 verses (ayat). Allah has taken the responsibility to protect it till the hereafter that is why it will never be corrupted. Quran is a book which contains a strange miracle. when a muslim reads it. it increases his faith. Allah openly challenges non-muslims to even create 10 verses similar to Quran. but it is not possible because no one can be like Allah. He is Al-mighty and we are just His small creation.


source: Quran itself.

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