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B-Olympics Spring 2016 - Proba 5 - Death Race

RelaXx S4F

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Death Race

Data & ora: Vineri, 01.04.2016, ora 18:00 (factiuni), ora 22:00 (clanuri)

Tip proba: Cursa

Tip participare: Grup

Număr de membrii: 1

Descriere: Cursa mortii, cei 4 concurenti se vor intrece pe traseul dat, dar ei nu vor trebuii sa ajunga la finish, ci sa se omoare intre ei. Ultimul ramas in viata trece mai departe.

Imagini/video: Locatie

Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: In cazul in care unul dintre concurenti se crede la nascar si nu se incearca sa elimine concurenta, va fi descalificat.



Date & time: Friday, 01.04.2016, 18:00 (factions), 22:00 (clans) (server time)

Task type: Race

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 1

Description: Death race, the 4 competitors will race on the route, but they will not must reach the finish line, but to kill each other. Last remained alive win.

Images/video: Location

Extra rules for this task: In case that one competitor will not try to kill the others will be desqualified.


Edited by GF RelaXx
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Death Race


Locul 1 - LS School Instructors - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - mihaitaa

Locul 2 - Vietnamese Boys - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - BigJoh

Locul 3 - Southern Pimps - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - Spawn





Locul 1 - ZEW - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - MariaN

Locul 2 - AIM - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - Sartor

Locul 3 - Ultras Victory - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - Djk314




Edited by GF RelaXx
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