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B-Olympics Spring 2016 - Proba 7 - Run, Swim, Drive, Fly

RelaXx S4F

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Run, Swim, Drive, Fly

Data & ora: Joi, 07.04.2016, ora 16:00 (factiuni), ora 18:00 (clanuri)

Tip proba: Cursa

Tip participare: Grup

Număr de membrii: 1

Descriere: Veti incepe cu proba de alergare, dupa veti continua cu cea de inot, cand ati ajuns unde se termina traseul marcat, luati unul dintre cele 10 NRG-uri pentru a ajunge pe Aeroport LV unde veti lua unul din cele 5 Hydra pentru a ajunge pe Chiliad, la finish.

Imagini/video: Locatie

Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: -



Date & time: Thursday, 07.04.2016, 16:00 (factions), 18:00 (clans) (server time)

Task type: Race

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 1

Description: You will start with run task, after that you will continue with swim task, when you reach the end of marked road, take one of 10 nrgs spawns to go on Aeroport LV where you will take one of 5 Hydra to go on chiliad, at finish line.

Images/video: Location

Extra rules for this task: -


Edited by GF RelaXx
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Run, Swim, Drive, Fly


Locul 1 - FBI - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - Teylo

Locul 2 - Tow Truck Company - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - RazvyBest

Locul 3 - LSPD - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - ASSIMOV.





Locul 1 - HG - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - Vectron

Locul 2 - AT - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - Maximus.rtv

Locul 3 - AIM - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - Spawn




Edited by GF RelaXx
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