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B-Olympics Spring 2016 - Anunturi | Announcements

RelaXx S4F

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In acest topic, organizatorul va anunta modificarile aduse jocurilor olimpice.

In this topic, the organizer will announce the changes brought to olympics.


Edited by GF RelaXx
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Orarul probelor de pe datile 28.03.2016-01.04.2016 au fost modificate dupa un sondaj facut pentru toti playerii comunitati.

The tasks hour for 28.03.2016-01.04.2016 was changed after a survey for all community members.

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Clanurile cu mai putin de 10 membri nu vor fi acceptate in aceasta olimpiada deoarece nu ne deorim probleme cu lipsa de participanti din partea unui clan.


The clans with less than 10 members will not be accepted in this olympics because we don't want to have problems with lack of participants from a clan.

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Proba 2 este mutata joi pentru a ii oferi destul timp lui killerfish sa implementeze hartile speciale in joc. Marti se va tine proba 3, iar Miercuri proba 4.


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Proba 2 este anulata pana cand harta va fi implementata, deci azi, Joi 31.03.2016 nu va mai fi nici o proba.

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Probele de Sambata si Duminica (02.04.2016 si 03.04.2016) sunt mutate in saptamana 04.04.2016-08.04.2016, inafara de Proba 8 "Samurai War".

Proba 8 "Samurai War" se va tine la ora 20:00 pentru factiuni si la 21:30 pentru clanuri.

Proba 9 "World War III" se va tine Luni, 04.04.2016 la ora 16:00 pentru factiuni si la 18:00 pentru clanuri.

Proba 2 "Nascar Race" se va tine Marti, 05.04.2016 la ora 16:00 pentru factiuni si la 18:00 pentru clanuri.

Proba 6 "The Maze" se va tine Miercuri, 06.04.2016 la ora 16:00 pentru factiuni si la 18:00 pentru clanuri.

Proba 7 "Run, Swim, Drive, Fly" se va tine Joi, 07.04.2016 la ora 16:00 pentru factiuni si la 18:00 pentru clanuri.

Proba 10 "Obstacle Race" se va tine Vineri, 08.04.2016 la ora 16:00 pentru factiuni si la 18:00 pentru clanrui.

Premierea se va tine Vineri, 08.04.2016, in apropierea orei 20:00.

Modificarile au fost facute pentru ai oferi timp lui KillerFish sa adauge hartile special create pentru aceste probe.





The tasks from Saturday and Sunday (02.04.2016 and 03.04.2016) are moved in 04.04.2016-08.04.2016 week, without Task 8 "Samurai War".

Task 8 "Samurai War" will be held at 20:00 for factions and at 21:30 for clans (ro time).

Task 9 "World War III" will be held Monday, 04.04.2016 at 16:00 for factions and at 18:00 for clans (ro time).

Task 2 "Nascar Race" will be held Tuesday, 05.04.2016 at 16:00 for factions and at 18:00 for clans (ro time).

Task 6 "The Maze" will be held Wednesday, 06.04.2016 at 16:00 for factions and at 18:00 for clans (ro time).

Task 7 "Run, Swim, Drive, Fly" will be held Thursday, 07.04.2016 at 16:00 for factions and at 18:00 for clans (ro time).

Task 10 "Obstacle Race" will be held Friday, 08.04.2016 at 16:00 for factions and at 18:00 for clans (ro time).

Award ceremony will be held Friday, 08.04.2016 around 20:00.

These changes was made to offer time to KillerFish to add the special created maps for this tasks.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Am intampinat niste probleme cu PhotoShop-ul, deci medaliile si trofeele vor intarzia pana maine la pranz.

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