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Cerere - STEFFY 2k16 - Logo


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Nick: STEFFY 2k16

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Link către ultima cerere făcută(obligatoriu) : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/330324-cerere-nusuntsteffy-2k16-avatar/

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Text: 2k16 Team

Dimensiuni: Potrivite

Alte precizari: Dau +1 la fiecare lucrare.

Edited by STEFFY 2k16
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@@PhaxSILENT, Hai ca e bun =)) Eu oricum nu am nimic cu voi.

@, Nu stiu ce este cu voi care faceti asemenea post-uri. Sper ca intelegi si tu ca eu nu am nimic cu Silent.

Mai astept lucrari.

Edited by STEFFY 2k16
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