ZEW Yulo Posted July 31, 2010 Share Posted July 31, 2010 (edited) Detalii generale despre jocNume joc: Dragon Age: OriginsProducător: Bioware StudiosGen: Role-playing gamePlatformă: PCData lansării: 03-09-2009Cerinte necesare pentru rularea joculuiMinimum:OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 1.4 GHz/AMD Athlon64 X2 @ 1.8 GHzMemory: 1 GBHard Drive: 20 GB FreeVideo Memory: 128 MB (nVidia GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon X850)Sound Card: DirectX CompatibleDirectX: 9.0cRecommended:OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1/Windows 7Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4 GHz)/AMD Phenom II X3 720 (2.8 GHz)Memory: 2 GBHard Drive: 20 GB FreeVideo Memory: 512 MB (nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS/ATI Radeon HD 3850)Sound Card: DirectX CompatibleDirectX: 10Mic rezumat despre jocDragon Age: Origins este un joc gen role playing game creat de BioWare.Jocul a fost lansat pe mai multe platforme,dar accentul a fost pus pe platforma PC.Actiunea se desfasoara in Ferelden,unul din numeroasele regate ce alcatuiesc miticul continent Thedas.Aici au loc numeroase razboaie intre forta divina formata din oameni,asasini si "mage" si forta intunericului formata din demoni feroce.Cand incepi jocul vei completa unul din cele 6 capitole ce iti vor descrie trecutul personajului corespunzator rasei sale , el/ea cand ai creat caracterul.Origini intalnite in joc The Grey Wardens "In war,victory...in peace,vigilance...in death,sacrifice..."De la inceputuri,gardienii au sacrificat totul pentru a opri forta intunericului.Ei au atras cei mai puternici mage si cei mai buni luptatori din lume pentru a impinge inamicii inapoi in lumea lor.Ei raman o legenda,veghind asupra satenilor pana la intoarcerea fortei raului,si vor ramane in permanenta pregatiti pentru lupta inca odata cand ziua va sosi.Human NobleUnele taramuri sunt conduse de oameni care cred ca au fost ridicati la rangul lor de catre insusi Creatorul,dar in Ferelden,regulile trebuie sa-si castige locul lor.MageThe Circle of Magi exista pentru a proteja "mages" de o lume care se teme de ei.City ElfAu plantat un copac in mijlocul taramului fagaduintei cu mult timp in urma.Astazi inca este la locul lui,sanatos si verde in contrast evident cu orasul ce-l inconjoara.Dwarf NobleCand dwarves au murit,spiritul lor se spune ca sa intors la "Piatra",nu o entitate mistica,ci mai degraba un loc ce se aseamana cu taramul lor.Dwarf CommonerEste un negustor venit din Orasul pustiului(cativa saraci care aveau pielea arsa de soarele care coborase de prea multe ori pe suprafata).Cand a ajuns in Orzammar a pretins ca are o treaba importanta de facut.Daelish ElfNoi suntem Dalish: detinatorii invataturii pierdute,calatorii calei singuratice.Suntem ultimii ramasi din generatia Elvhenan,si niciodata nu ne vom mai supune.Membrii echipei Morrigan"she is an exotic beauty who has come to hold the rest of mankind in contempt"Alistair"alistair is irreverent at the best of times,and his wry sense of humor often put him at odds with his more serious-minded teachers"Sten"possessed of an alien philosophy and an iron determination to bring enlightenment to lesser culture"Leliana"a higher calling awaits her,and with it a road to true redemption"Oghren"he remains determined to find Branka again and learn what obsession keeps her hidden away from the rest of her kind"Zevran"although he resisted the Crows'brutal training methods at first,he eventually accepted his lot,then began to excel"Wynne"her peers thought so highly of her that she was asked to become Ferelden's new first enchanter"War Dog"trained hounds can easily pull knights from horseback or break lines of pike men"Creaturi intalnite in joc OgreSunt cele mai puternice creaturi ale fortei intunericului.HurlockSunt de marimea oamenilor dar poseda o forta de neimaginat.Arcane HorrorSe creaza cand un demon poseda un mage.Devouring CorpseSunt demoni ce poseda corpurile celor decedati.Brood MotherPutini sunt cei care au ramas in viata dupa ce au intalnit-o.AbominationSunt demoni ce poseda mage puternici ce nu se sperie de creaturile ce ii inconjoara.Desire DemonSunt demoni feroce,manipuleaza corpul cu iluzii.High DragonSunt dragonii ce in trecut au stapanit norii Thedas-ului. Imagini din joc Trailer Edited July 31, 2010 by oTo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edusca00 Posted August 2, 2010 Share Posted August 2, 2010 super grafica super jocul si cerinte acceptabile Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaddy Posted August 2, 2010 Share Posted August 2, 2010 Frumos joc misto grafica Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krysty Posted August 2, 2010 Share Posted August 2, 2010 Foarte tare jocu Grafica exceptionala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sccoci Posted August 3, 2010 Share Posted August 3, 2010 frumos jocul o sa il incerc si eu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nebunnN Posted August 16, 2010 Share Posted August 16, 2010 Super tare jocul :X::X:X recomand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MsT Posted August 16, 2010 Share Posted August 16, 2010 Cel mai frumos joc RPG dupa mine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
H Z D Posted August 18, 2010 Share Posted August 18, 2010 best game on RPG grafica 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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