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SF Police Department - 🚩 Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week 🚩

South Alin

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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  18.10.2021 - 24.10.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: DoNShyT: $125000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 2: Gateway: $75000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 3: SARKAR: $50000 + 1 raport optional 




Misiunea saptamanii 25.10.2021 - 31.10.2021


Va trebui sa ajungeti cu un NRG-500 in acest loc: https://imgur.com/a/0KURnAb 

Este un stunt, iar voi va trebui sa filmati respectivul stunt cap-coada*

*stuntul trebuie efectuat venind din canalizarea de jos, nu altcumva


Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-Va trebui sa filmati tot stunt-ul si sa ramaneti cu motorul in acel loc;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul nu trebuie sa fie editat, trebuie sa includa numele serverului, numele vostru, ora si data (hud-ul obisnuit);

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.


For English click on the spoiler:




The winners of the mission of the week   18.10.2021 - 24.10.2021  are: 


1st place: DoNShyT:  $ 125000 + 1 optional report 

2nd place: Gateway:  $ 75000 +  1 optional report 

3rd place: SARKAR:  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report 




Mission of the week  25.10.2021 - 31.10.2021


You will need to get with an NRG-500 at this place:  https://imgur.com/a/0KURnAb 

It's a stunt, and you're going to have to film that stunt entirely*

*the stunt needs to be done coming from those sewers underneath that you see in the photo


1st place: $ 125,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place: $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  




-You will have to film the whole stunt and stay with the motorbike in that place;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-The video must not be edited, it must include the server name, your name, time and date (regular hud);

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting model.




Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  25.10.2021 - 31.10.2021 sunt: 


Misiunea respectiva a fost un stunt gandit cu o singura metoda de realizare. Ulterior, o a doua metoda a fost descoperita si am informat respectivii membri de situatie. Acordarea premiilor nu ar fi putut avea loc intr-un mod corect. Asadar, pentru ca a fost o greseala de a mea si pentru a nu crea discutii am decis ca fiecare dintre cei 4 membri: MNOp., SARKAR, Krom, GhitaPoweristul sa fie premiati cu locul 1, adica:


cate $125000 fiecare membru


1 raport optional pentru MNOp.

1 raport optional pentru SARKAR

1 raport optional pentru Krom

1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta pentru GhitaPoweristul




Misiunea saptamanii 01.11.2021 - 07.11.2021:


Pentru ca atinsesem numarul maxim de membri, pentru ca avem foarte multi noi membri de R1 si pentru ca pana la ora asta avem deja peste 300 de puncte totale de activitate in factiune saptamana aceasta, misiunea va consta in:


Cel mai mare numar de puncte de activitate in 24 de ore

(CITITI regulile de mai jos)



Premii (in functie de numarul de puncte):

Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-NU postati aici vreo dovada, scrieti DOAR perioada de 24h in care vreti sa participati. Exemplu: Eu, Catalin.NERVOSUL, imi aleg perioada de 01.11. 18:30 - 02.11. 18:30 pentru a participa la concurs;

-Puteti participa cu ce interval doriti in perioada de timp 01.01.2021 00:00 - 07.11.2021 23:59;

-Sunt incluse orice fel de puncte care apar pe raportul de activitate (Exceptie testele date);

-Puteti sa va alegeti orice perioada de timp potrivita pentru voi;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.


*Tineti cont ca, in cazul in care va aflati in strainatate, pe alt fus orar, serverul si websiteul folosesc ora Romaniei.


For English click on the spoiler:



The winners of the mission of the week   25.10.2021 - 31.10.2021  are: 


That mission was a stunt designed with only one method of accomplishment. Subsequently, a second method was discovered and I informed the respective members of the situation. The awards could not be awarded in a correct way. So, because it was a mistake of mine, I decided that each of the 4 members:  MNOp., SARKAR, Krom, GhitaPoweristul be awarded the 1st place, ie: 


 $125,000 for each member


1 optional report for MNOp

1 optional report for SARKAR

1 optional report for Krom

1 bonus training/meeting pass request  for GhitaPoweristul




Mission of the week  01.11.2021 - 07.11.2021:


Because we had reached the maximum number of members, because we have many new R1 members and because by this time we already have over 300 total activity points in faction this week, the mission will consist of:


The highest number of activity points in 24 hours

(READ the rules below)



Prizes (depending on the number of points):

1st place: $ 125,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: $ 50000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request




- DO NOT post any proof here, ONLY write the 24 hour period in which you want to participate. Example: I, Catalin.NERVOSUL, choose the period of 01.11. 18:30 - 02.11. 18:30 to participate in the contest;

-You can participate with any interval you want in between the period 01.01.2021 00:00 - 07.11.2021 23:59;

-Any kind of points that appear on the activity report are included (Except the given tests);

-You can choose any time period suitable for you;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting model.


*Take notice that the server and the website use EEST (GMT +2) time zone. (Romanian time zone)




Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  01.11.2021 - 07.11.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: Malorne (190 de puncte): $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: theoneuer (70 de puncte): $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: Dr[a]gos (67 de puncte): $50000 + 1 raport optional 


Avand in vedere ca nu ati precizat daca doriti raport optional sau invoire bonus, astept PM sau mesaj in game sau mesaj lui mugetsu cu optiunea voastra.

De asemenea, va rog sa utilizati modelul de postare al acestui topic in urmatoarele misiuni (prezentat in primul mesaj din acest topic).


Dovada: https://easyupload.io/7vsk2z

(da, este un excel cu video ca dovezi in el)




Misiunea saptamanii 08.11.2021 - 14.11.2021:


Consta intr-un stunt si va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc: https://imgur.com/a/uXvdr1Z



Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-Va trebui sa postati intreg stuntul filmat cap-coada;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.




For English click on the spoiler:




The winners of the mission of the week   01.11.2021 - 07.11.2021  are: 


1st place: Malorne (190 points):  $ 125,000 + 1 optional report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: theoneuer (70 points):  $ 75000 +  1 optional report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place: Dr [a] gos (67 points):  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report 


Since you did not specify if you want optional report or bonus invoice, I am waiting for PM or message in game or message to mugetsu with your option.

Also, please use the post template of this topic for next mission (presented in the first post in this topic).


Proof:  https://easyupload.io/7vsk2z

(yes, there is an excel with video as evidence in it)




Mission of the week  08.11.2021 - 14.11.2021:


It consists of a stunt and you will have to get to this place:  https://imgur.com/a/uXvdr1Z




1st place: $ 125000 +  1 optional report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: $ 50000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request




-You will have to post the entire stunt recorded here;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting model.




Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  08.11.2021 - 14.11.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: Pedro: $125000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 2: Dr[a]gos: $75000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 3: SARKAR : $50000 + 1 raport optional + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




Misiunea saptamanii 15.11.2021 - 21.11.2021:


Cei mai multi sublideri fotografiati


Premii (in functie de numarul de sublideri, iar daca sunt 2 mai multi membri cu acelasi numar de sublideri, in ordine cronologica):


Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-Subliderii trebuie sa fie un functie la momentul in care faceti poza;

-Pot fi si mai multi sublideri intr-o poza;

-Nu conteaza daca sunt AFK/Sleep/animatii;

-Minimum de sublideri pentru a putea castiga este de 10;

-Precizati numarul de sublideri fotografiati;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.

-Puteti edita postarile, in limita forumului


For English click on the spoiler:




The winners of the mission of   08.11.2021 - 14.11.2021  are: 


1st place: Pedro:  $ 125,000 + 1 optional report

2nd place: Dr [a] gos:  $ 75000 +  1 optional report 

3rd place: SARKAR:  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report +  1  bonus bonus from the training / session 




Mission of the week  15.11.2021 - 21.11.2021:


The highest number of subleaders pictured


Prizes (depending on the number of sub-leaders, and if there are 2 more members with the same number of sub-leaders, in chronological order):

1st place: $ 125,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place: $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  




-Subleaders must be a function at the time you take the picture;

-There can be 1 or more subleaders in a single photo, doesn't matter;

-It doesn't matter if they are AFK / Sleep / animations;

-Minimum of subleaders to be able to win is 10;

-Specify the number of subleaders photographed;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting model.

-You are allowed to edit posts, limited to forum time 





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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  15.11.2021 - 21.11.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: Aquarrio (27 sublideri): $125000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: MNOp. (15 sublideri): $75000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: Jaguar (12 sublideri) : $50000 + 1 raport optional 




Misiunea saptamanii 22.11.2021 - 28.11.2021:


Primii 3 cu 15 curse facute la jobul transportator


Premii (in ordine cronologica):


Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Postati un screenshot in care se vad cele 15 curse facute la transportator;

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra;

-Puteti edita postarile, in limita forumului.


For English click on the spoiler:





The winners of the mission of the week   15.11.2021 - 21.11.2021  are: 


1st place: Aquarrio (27 subleaders):  $ 125,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: MNOp. (15 subleaders):  $ 75000  +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place: Jaguar (12 sub-leaders):  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report 




Mission of the week  22.11.2021 - 28.11.2021:


The first 3 members with 15 trips on Transporter job


Awards (in chronological order):


1st place: $ 125,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request    

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place: $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  




-Use the post template from this topic;

-Post a screenshot showing the 15 trips made on Transporter job

-You will have to choose between optional report or bonus invitation from the training / session, write in the posting model your choice;

-You can edit the posts, within the forum limits.




Edited by South MrJelly
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