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SF Police Department - 🚩 Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week 🚩

South Alin

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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 14.02.2022 - 20.02.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: ._Mickey_Mouse_. $150000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta


Wampire si Dave - descalificati pentru fals



Misiunea saptamanii 21.02.2022 - 27.02.2022:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta a fost sugerata de colegul nostru Sniper_TN caruia ii multumim pentru idee si care


Consta intr-un stunt in care va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un infernus: https://imgur.com/a/xIk0Usj 

Va trebui sa filmati intreg stunt-ul.


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii complete a misiunii):

Locul 1:  $175000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $25000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti folosi orice masina, insa eu am facut cu Infernus;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Videoul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  14.02.2022 - 20.02.2022  are: 


1st place: ._Mickey_Mouse_.  $ 150,000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request       


Wampire and Dave - disqualified 



Mission of the week  21.02.2022 - 27.02.2022:


This week's mission was suggested by our colleague  Sniper_TN  whom we thank for the idea and


It consists of a stunt where you will have to get to this place with a infernus:  https://imgur.com/a/xIk0Usj 

You will have to record the entire stunt.


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the mission):

1st place: $ 175000 + 1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request       

2nd place :   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request     

3rd place:   $ 25000 +  1 optional report  OR   1 bonus training/meeting pass request       


*If you have any suggestion or idea for the weekly mission, I'll be happy to know them on discord/in-game/to mugetsu or dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd




-You can use any car, but I did it with a Infernus;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 21.02.2022 - 27.02.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: CristeaAdv. $175000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta

Locul 2: SideLo $50000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: KristyanN_ $25000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 28.02.2022 - 06.03.2022:


Va trebui sa faceti cat mai multe poze cu cat mai multe legende dintr-o SINGURA factiune (minim 5). Premiile se vor acorda in functie de numarul de legende fotografiate. 

NU se vor acorda premii daca faceti acelasi numar de poze cu membrul precedent. Exemplu: X participa cu 5 poze, pentru locul 1. Daca Y participa dupa, tot cu 5 poze, Y nu va castiga nimic, ci doar X. Ideea este sa faceti cat mai multe poze, nu sa va opriti la minim.

Va rog sa precizati in postare factiunea din care fac/au facut parte legendele.


Premii (in functie de numarul de legende fotografiat):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti participa cu o singura factiune. Ex: 7 Membri din factiunea LV Taxi, etc.;

-Legendele pot fi inca in factiunea respectiva sau nu;

-Nu conteaza cate legende sunt intr-o poza;

-Nu conteaza daca sunt afk/sleep sau nu;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  21.02.2022 - 27.02.2022  are: 


1st place: CristeaAdv.  $ 175,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request      

2nd place: SideLo  $ 50,000 +  1  optional report

3rd place: KristyanN_  $ 25000 +  1  optional report



Mission of the week  28.02.2022 - 06.03.2022:


You will have to take as many pictures with as many legends as possible from ONE faction (minimum 5). Prizes will be awarded depending on the number of legends photographed. 

NO prizes will be awarded if you take the same number of pictures as the previous member. Example: X participates with 5 pictures, for the 1st place. If Y participates after, also with 5 pictures, Y will not win anything, but only X. The idea is to take as many pictures as possible, not to stop at the minimum.

Please specify in the post the faction of which the legends are / were part of.


Prizes (depending on the number of legends photographed):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request       

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request      

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request      


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I'm waiting for them on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-You can participate with only one faction. Ex: 7 members of the LV Taxi faction, etc .;

-Legends may or may not still be in that faction;

-It doesn't matter how many legends are in a picture;

-It doesn't matter if they are afk/sleep or not;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).



Edited by South MrJelly
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Name: [RW]SideLo

Rank: Detective (2)

Proof: https://ibb.co/album/28Y2WW

Other information: I choose Hitmen Agency faction for this mission and managed to capture 20 Legends ! 1 bonus training/meeting pass request, Thanks !


ReLoG 31.01.2019 to 23.04.2021
Ionut.rtv 1007 days
YourCharisma 741 days
Akki 2 TIMES LEGEND 17.01.2019 to 26.01.2021 & 15.05.2016 to 1.06.2018
Done 727 days
lRomeo 585 days
Greet.rtv 17.04.2019 to 18.09.2021
diviNE 10.12.2019 to 2.07.2021
maxtreme2008 24.04.2015 to 7.09.2016
Snake 585 days
Audi_RS8 22.02.2016 to 17.03.2019
Monologue 512 days
AkaSKY 1177 days

Tule. 700 days
blackhawk 20.05.2018 to 1.07.2021 + Leader
Silence 20.06.2015 to 24.11.2016
HouR 537 days
edu 1602 days
Roberte 585 days
ROBBEN 1664 days


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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 28.02.2022 - 06.03.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: Aquarrio si Sidelo (19 legende): fiecare: $125000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta

Locul 2: Wikkie (9 legende): $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta

Locul 3: PaterNo (7 legende) $25000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta



Mentiune: Akki si Cuero nu se afla pe lista cu legende Hitmen, chiar daca au fost la un moment dat, nu i-am luat in considerare.

Asa ca am scazut la Aquarrio 2 poze (Cuero si Akki), la SideLo 1 poza (Akki) si la PaterNo 1 poza (Akki).



Misiunea saptamanii 07.03.2022 - 13.03.2022:


Cel mai mare K/D ratio (raport ucideri/decese) la Paintball.

Premiile se vor acorda in functie de cel mai mare K/D ratio. Adica numarul de ucideri impartit la numarul de decese dintr-un meci de Paintball.

Exemplu: Am avut 16 ucideri si 10 decese, K/D meu va fi 1,6

Se va lua in considerare K/D dintr-un singur meci, nu adunate mai multe, insa puteti edita postarea sau posta din nou daca obtineti un scor mai mare.

Va trebui sa postati intreg video-ul de la respectiva runda.


Daca obtineti N ucideri, unde N=ℕ, si 0 decese, nu se va imparti la 0, ci se va considera K/D = N



Premii (in functie de cel mai mare K/D):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Nu trebuie sa castigati neaparat runda;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  28.02.2022 - 06.03.2022  are: 


1st place: Aquarrio and Sidelo (19 legends):  each: $ 125,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: Wikkie (9 legends):  $ 50,000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: PaterNo (7 legends)  $ 25000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request


Mention: Akki and Cuero are not on the list of Hitmen legends, even if they were at one point, I did not take them into consideration.

So I took off 2 pictures from Aquarrio (Cuero and Akki), 1 picture from  SideLo (Akki) and 1 picture from PaterNo (Akki).



Mission of the week  07.03.2022 - 13.03.2022:


Highest K/D ratio in Paintball.

Prizes will be awarded based on the highest K / D ratio. That is, the number of kills divided by the number of deaths in a Paintball match.

Example: I had 16 kills and 10 deaths, my K/D will be 1.6

K/D will be considered as a single match, not more added up, but you can edit the post or post it again if you get a higher score afterwards.

You will have to post the entire video of that paintball round you participate with.


If you get N kills, where N=ℕ, and 0 deaths, it will not be divided by 0, but will be considered K/D = N



Awards (depending on the highest K / D):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request


* If you have suggestions or ideas for the weekly mission, I'm waiting for them on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-You don't have to win the round;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-Video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).

-Don't try to find another 'smart easy way' to win because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Nume: deivid.rtv

Rank: 1




Alte precizări: Nu sunt deloc bun dar macar am incercat și nu am trișat (sunt 2 runde sari direct la runda 2, nu am mai stat sa editez videoclipul), in caz că mă incadrez vreau învoire la antrenament.


Edited by AIM deivid.rtv
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 07.03.2022 - 13.03.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: KristyanN_ (K/D = 2.875): $125000 +1 raport optional

Locul 2: deivid.rtv (K/D = 2): $75000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta

Locul 3: Sarpee (K/D = 1.06): $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta




Misiunea saptamanii 14.03.2022 - 20.03.2022:


❤️❤️❤️ APUS ROMANTIC ❤️❤️❤️


Consta in realizarea unei poze din aceasta locatie: https://imgur.com/a/zJ0a0ep avand pe G jucatorul cu care sunteti casatoriti* in joc, la apus**.


*Va trebui sa ramaneti casatoriti pana cand se declara castigatorii (saptamana urmatoarea)

**Puteti folosi timecyc sau orice altceva schimba scena intr-un apus.

***Poza trebuie facuta cu F10. 




Stunt-ul de saptamana aceasta a fost sugerat de colegul nostru Wampire caruia ii multumim pentru idee.




Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii misiunii):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  07.03.2022 - 13.03.2022  are: 


Locul 1: KristyanN_ (K / D = 2.875):  $ 125000 + 1 raport optional

2nd place: deivid.rtv (K / D = 2):  $ 75000 +  1 training bonus / session

3rd place: Sarpee (K / D = 1.06):  $ 50,000 +  1 training / session bonus




Mission of the week  14.03.2022 - 20.03.2022:


❤️❤️❤️ ROMANTIC SUNSET❤️❤️❤️


It consists of taking a picture from this location:  https://imgur.com/a/zJ0a0ep  having on G the player you are married* to in the game, at the sunset**.


* You will have to stay married until the winners are declared (next week)

** You can use timecyc or anything else to change the scene in a sunset.

*** The picture must be taken with F10. 




This week's stunt was suggested by our colleague  Wampire, whom we thank for the idea.




Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request     

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I'm waiting for them on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 14.03.2022 - 20.03.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: Sezer0SKy.: $125000 +1 raport optional

Locul 2: ..dave..: $75000 +1 raport optional

Locul 3: Sidelo: $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta




Misiunea saptamanii 21.03.2022 - 27.03.2022:


Cei mai multi membri din STAFF fotografiati*

(STAFF = Admini + Helperi + Lideri)

*Minim 10 membri pentru a castiga



Premii (in functie de numarul de membri STAFF fotografiati):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Nu conteaza daca membrii STAFF sunt AFK sau nu;

-Nu conteaza cati membri sunt intr-o poza;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  14.03.2022 - 20.03.2022  are: 


1st place: Sezer0SKy .:  $ 125000 + 1 optional report

2nd place: ..dave..:  $ 75000 + 1 optional report

3rd place: Sidelo:  $ 50,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request




Mission of the week  21.03.2022 - 27.03.2022:


Most members of STAFF photographed*

(STAFF = Admins + Helpers + Leaders)

*Minimum of 10 staff members photographed to win




Awards (depending on the number STAFF members photographed):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I'm waiting for them on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-It doesn't matter if STAFF members are AFK or not;

-No matter how many members are in a picture;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 training/meeting pass request in the post template;

-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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