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B-Olympics Winter 2017 (Clans) - Proba 5 - Treasure Hunt

RelaXx S4F

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Treasure Hunt

Data & ora: 06.01.2017, intre 16:00-22:00

Tip proba: Find and Remember

Tip participare: Grup

Număr de membrii: 1

Descriere: Fiecare participant va pleca dintr-un punct, de acolo trebuie sa gaseasca unul din vehiculele ascunse in apropiere (acestea vor fi de mai multe tipuri). Dupa ce au reusit sa faca rost de un vehicul, acestia trebuie sa caute cei 3 adjutanti ascunsi pe harta in diferite orase/locatii, sa combine corect partile de propozitie primite de la fiecare pentru a creea adevarata propozitie si sa ajunga primii la punctul stabilit de catre organizator, unde, pe langa ca trebuie sa ajunga cu vehiculul gasit, trebuie sa ii comunice prin /w organizatorului propozitia.

Imagini/video: Click

Propus de: @Valad

Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: -




Date & time: 06.01.2017, between 16:00-22:00 (server time)

Task type: Find and Remember

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 1

Description: Each participant will start from a point, from there he will need to find a near vehicle (there will be more types of vehicles). After they succeded, they will need to find the 5 admins/helpers hidden on map in cities/locations, to combine correct the parts of sentence and to arrive first to the set point, where, they need to have the vehicle and to communicate organizer by /w the correct sentence.

Images/video: Click

Proposed by: @Valad

Extra rules for this task: -




Edited by GF RelaXx
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Treasure Hunt


Locul 1 - Ultras South - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - [uS]MaGe.

Locul 2 - Safe 4 Family - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - racalu[s4F]

Locul 3 - ZEW - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - KiNdeRr.[ZEW]

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Treasure Hunt




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