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B-Olympics Winter 2017 (Clans) - Proba 1 - The Road to The Mine

RelaXx S4F

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The Road to The Mine

Data & ora: 02.01.2017, intre 16:00-22:00

Tip proba: Last Car Standing & Race

Tip participare: Grup

Număr de membrii: 2

Descriere: Participantii vor pleca de la cariera din LV in vehiule de tip Dumper. Acestia trebuie sa urmeze un anumit traseu sau nu. Se vor urca cate 2. Unul va conduce si pasagerul va avea in mana un AK47 cu 30 de gloante, asta ajutandu-i sa elimine concurenta daca au tinta buna. Ei trebuie sa ajung la baza muntelui Chilliad.

Imagini/video: Click

Propus de: @Rexton S4F

Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: -




Date & time: 02.01.2017, between 16:00-22:00 (server time)

Task type: Last Car Standing & Race

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 2

Description: The participants will start vrom Quarry LV in Dumpers. They will go on a route to the Chilliad mountain. Will be 2 participants on a vehicle. One will drive and one will receive a AK47 with 30 bullets. If they have a good aim will destroy the competition. The finish line will be on the Chilliad mountain base.

Images/video: Click

Proposed by: @Rexton S4F

Extra rules for this task: -

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The Road to The Mine


Locul 1 - Ultras South - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - [uS]VaMpiiii.DEREGLATU; [uS]Mihai

Locul 2 - VODA - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - Bechir.[VODA]; Bagwell[VODA]

Locul 3 - Ultras Victory - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - [uV]p[e]p1; [uV]FlaviussHD

Edited by GF RelaXx
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The Road to The Mine




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