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Bug - '' murdered you with splat from 0.0m. /call 112 ''


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Your nickname: Rustom

Server: Rpg3

Description of the bug: '' Rustom murdered you with splat from 0.0m. you have 60 seconds to use /call 112. '' it's bug ? Let me explain what happened, https://s23.postimg.org/o7i8mcunv/sa_mp_632.png he was g with me before he go AFK after he go AFK in few minutes my game is crash that time he was AFK and g on NRG and he got this /call 112 msg check in this ss https://s2.postimg.org/4341ippe1/17028642_1302459413147686_134049369_n.png and when i relog i recived wanted 4 this https://s23.postimg.org/3onchagqj/sa_mp_634.png


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