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Civilians B-Olympics 2017 - Eveniment 5 (civili nivel 7+) - Second Giveaway

RelaXx S4F

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Second Giveaway

Data & ora: 18.04.2017, intre 14:00-22:00

Tip proba: Giveaway

Tip participare: -

Descriere: Giveaway-ul poate fi castigat doar de civilii online, nivel 7+, care nu se afla pe /sleep si nu sunt AFK. In cazul in care nu se raspunde la mesaje/telefon in decursul a 5 minute alegerea se reface. Alegerea se va face pe random.org.

Imagini/video: -

Propus de: @GF RelaXx

Premii: Infernus

Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: -




Date & time: 18.04.2017, between 14:00-22:00 (server time)

Task type: Giveaway

Participation type: -

Description: The giveaway can be won only by online civilians, level 7+, that are not on /sleep and are not AFK. If the winner don't answer in 5 minutes we will choose another winner. The choice will be make on random.org

Images/video: -

Proposed by: @GF RelaXx

Pizes: Infernus

Extra rules for this task: -

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Second Giveaway

[sOS]eduard - winner

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