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Licitatii Case si Bizuri / House and Biz auctions.


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In acesta saptamana, 19-22 aprilie, vom incepe licitatiile pentru mai multe case si bizuri de pe server.

Trebuie sa aveti banii in BANCA daca doriti sa participati la licitatie.

  • Cum funcționează sistemul de licitații?

- la ora 20:00 se va porni automat licitația pentru prima casă.

- pentru a vedea dacă se află o licitație în desfășurare folosiți comanda /auction

- pentru a participa la o licitație folosiți comanda /participate

- pentru a părăsi o licitație folosiți comanda /leaveauction

- pentru a licita folosiți comanda /bid care adaugă la suma deja licitată și prețul setat pentru pasul minim sau comanda /bid <suma> pentru a licita o sumă personalizată care este cel puțin egală cu prețul setat pentru pasul minim.

- licitația se va încheia automat după câteva minute de la ultima folosire a comenzii /bid.

- câștigătorul licitației va fi ultima persoană care a folosit comanda /bid și va intra în posesia bunului câștigat în mod automat indiferent că e online sau offline când se încheie licitația.

- banii vor fi automat extrași din contul jucătorului indiferent că e online sau offline după finalizarea licitației.

- după ce se încheie o licitație va începe automat următoarea.

Miercuri 19.04.2017

Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza:

Joi 20.04.2017

Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza:

Vineri 21.04.2017

Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza:

Sambata 22.04.2017

Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza:



In this week, 19-22 april, we will start the auctions for houses and business from the server.

You need to have the money in the BANK, if you want to participate at auction.

  • How does the auction system work?

- at 20:00 the automatic auction will start for the first house.

- to see if there is an ongoing auction you can type /auction

- in order to participate in an auction you can type /participate

- to leave an auction you can use /leaveauction

- to auction you can use /bid which adds to the already auctioned sum the price of the minimum bid which has been established or the command /bid <amount> in order to auction a personalized sum which is at least equal to the price of the minimum bid which has been established.

- the auction will automatically stop after a few minutes since the last use of the /bid command.

- the auction winner will be the last person who used the /bid command and will receive the goods automatically no matter if they are online or offline when the auction ends.

- the money will be automatically extracted from the player's account no matter if he is online or offline.

- after an auction ends another one will automatically start.

Wednesday 19.04.2017

We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows:

Thursday 20.04.2017

We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows:

Friday 21.04.2017

We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows:

Saturday 22.04.2017

We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows:

Good luck.

Edited by Just xeS
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AdmBot auctioned Biz 1 / Level: 30 / Price: $50,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (19.04.2017, 20:01:33)

[biz 1] Auto Auction ended. JaParpale paid $148,363,376 (winner SQLID: 892721 / Old Owner: -1) - (19.04.2017, 20:21:32)

AdmBot auctioned House 20 / Level: 25 / Price: $25,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (19.04.2017, 20:22:33)

[House 20] Auto Auction ended. PerkeBEAST paid $108,201,000 (winner SQLID: 952209 / Old Owner: -1) - (19.04.2017, 20:28:14)

AdmBot auctioned House 489 / Level: 20 / Price: $15,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (19.04.2017, 20:29:16)

[House 489] Auto Auction ended. macabru[ToV] paid $22,070,333 (winner SQLID: 23315 / Old Owner: -1) - (19.04.2017, 20:38:04)

Edited by Just xeS
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AdmBot auctioned Biz 68 / Level: 15 / Price: $40,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (20.04.2017, 20:01:39)

[biz 68] Auto Auction ended. [uS]Tomii paid $138,011,000 (winner SQLID: 731862 / Old Owner: -1) - (20.04.2017, 20:05:20)

AdmBot auctioned House 3 / Level: 5 / Price: $5,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (20.04.2017, 20:06:19)

[House 3] Auto Auction ended. Teylo paid $33,879,907 (winner SQLID: 85876 / Old Owner: -1) - (20.04.2017, 20:20:23)

AdmBot auctioned House 45 / Level: 10 / Price: $10,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (20.04.2017, 20:21:23)

[House 45] Auto Auction ended. Strandy[VODA] paid $23,003,000 (winner SQLID: 160002 / Old Owner: -1) - (20.04.2017, 20:24:37)

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AdmBot auctioned Biz 74 / Level: 15 / Price: $15,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (22.04.2017, 20:01:01)

[biz 74] Auto Auction ended. Z3dY0w[ToV] paid $115,775,000 (winner SQLID: 1016795 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:13:17)

AdmBot auctioned Biz 83 / Level: 15 / Price: $15,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (22.04.2017, 20:14:16)

[biz 83] Auto Auction ended. Teylo paid $51,003,000 (winner SQLID: 85876 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:17:51)

AdmBot auctioned House 14 / Level: 7 / Price: $4,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:18:49)

[House 14] Auto Auction ended. [uS]SwE.[RS4L] paid $19,062,000 (winner SQLID: 912826 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:21:52)

AdmBot auctioned House 217 / Level: 10 / Price: $3,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:22:51)

[House 217] Auto Auction ended. [$]zEu.[b0T] paid $10,862,001 (winner SQLID: 1095214 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:28:31)

AdmBot auctioned House 565 / Level: 30 / Price: $1,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:29:30)

[House 565] Auto Auction ended. BraxtoN paid $8,778,069 (winner SQLID: 834832 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:36:52)

AdmBot auctioned House 33 / Level: 10 / Price: $1,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:37:51)

[House 33] Auto Auction ended. [uN]TitanuL paid $4,249,322 (winner SQLID: 953805 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:43:09)

AdmBot auctioned House 334 / Level: 9 / Price: $900 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:44:08)

[House 334] Auto Auction ended. masamangdeMONyo29 paid $1,304,900 (winner SQLID: 909295 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:48:39)

AdmBot auctioned House 365 / Level: 15 / Price: $1,500 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:49:38)

[House 365] Auto Auction ended. Elvisano_voievod paid $3,002,500 (winner SQLID: 1062980 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:52:05)

AdmBot auctioned House 381 / Level: 5 / Price: $500 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:53:05)

[House 381] Auto Auction ended. Piftel.BELEAUA[nWo] paid $583,500 (winner SQLID: 807126 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:57:58)

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