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Arsenal CEO Ivan Gazidis says right things but fans need more than words


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Arsenal CEO Ivan Gazidis made his best effort at bridge-building during Thursday evening's Q&A session with fans at the Emirates. But it's clear from the sometimes derisory atmosphere at the meeting that those supporters who are still disillusioned with years of what they called "stagnation" need action rather than words before their trust is regained by the Arsenal board.

Gazidis used the session, which he hosts a few times a year, to call for unity among fans after unprecedented levels of dissent this spring, while also defending owner Stan Kroenke and the decision to stick with manager Arsene Wenger for another two years.

He promised "top-class" signings this summer and pleaded with fans to show "togetherness" when the new season starts. He identified the hiring of new performance director Darren Burgess and contract negotiator Huss Fahmy as evidence that the club is making changes behind the scenes. And while he didn't necessarily offer the answers some supporters were looking for -- or produce Kylian Mbappe on stage with him -- he also didn't shy away from the tough questions about last season's Premier League collapse and the tepid atmosphere during home games.

There was an emotional moment when the son of former FA Cup hero Reg Lewis told Gazidis in frank terms that the matchday atmosphere is the worst he's seen in 50 years and that he's never experienced "such a period of stagnation." Those comments drew widespread applause, and Gazidis admitted that "it doesn't make me proud or happy to acknowledge" that many other fans feel the same way.

When Gazidis said he couldn't understand why supporters believe Kroenke -- the American majority owner -- is only interested in money, it was met with derisory laughter. Although, as Gazidis also pointed out, it's a lot harder to back up that belief after Kroenke turned down a bid from minority owner Alisher Usmanov that would have netted him a few hundred million dollars in profit.




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