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Metal Gear Solid 2 HD Is Now On Nvidia's Shield Console !!


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If you haven't yet played Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, you now have another option in the array of platforms that the game is available on. The game is out now on the Nvidia Shield TV.

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What's more is that it's the HD Edition, which runs at a higher resolution and 16:9 ratio. The HD Edition also includes all of the VR Missions that were added in an expanded re-release of MGS 2. On the Shield, the game runs at 720p and 60 frames per second.

Although it's commonplace at this point, I'll still always be amazed that games that were originally full console releases can now run on mobile hardware. The Nvidia Shield TV is a set-top box that runs on a modified version of Android, and it can play games either natively or streamed through Nvidia's Geforce Now service.

MGS 2 is available on the Google Play store for $15, although it's 33% off ($10) right now. It's currently only playable on Shield, but I'd hazard a guess that it'll come to other Android devices later on. Konami has also said that it'll bring Metal Gear Solid 3 HD to the Shield at some point in the future.

Link of the video


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