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B-Olympics Autumn 2017 - Proba 5 - Joint Mission

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 13.10.2017 sau 15.10.2017, intre 16:00-22:00
Tip proba: Find and arrest
Tip participare: Echipa de 4 persoane
Descriere: Fiecare echipa v-a primi cate un maverick. Acestia trebuie sa atace ascunzatorile unur capi mafioti din GTA. Acestia nu trebuie omorati, ci capturati si dusi in fata justitiei. Bodyguarzi acestora pot fi ucisi. Cine omoara capul mafiot atrage asupra echipei descalificarea. Fiecare echipa v-a fi formata din 3 soldati si 1 pilot, pilotul avand voie sa detina doar 1 pistol. Decizia ramane echipei daca si acesta va participa sau nu la capturarea capului mafiei.
Imagini/video: -
Propus de: @GF RelaXx
Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Se va pune accentul pe seriozitate. Cine nu asculta de regulile impuse de organizatori va fi dat afara fara a primi o explicatie iar factiunea acestuia v-a fi descalificata si adaugata pe Blacklist.

Date & time: 13.10.2017 or 15.10.2017, between 16:00-22:00 (server time)
Task type: Find and arrest
Participation type: Team of 4 people
Description: Each team will receive a maverick. They need to attack the hideouts of the heads of Mafia from GTA. You need to capture them alive, not to kill them. You are allowed to kill just the bodyguards who will protect them. Killing the head attract disqualification for all team. Each team will have 3 soldiers and 1 pilot. The pilot will have just 1 handgun. The team will decide if the pilot will participate or not to capture the Mafia Head.
Images/video: -
Proposed by: @GF RelaXx
Extra rules for this task: We want seriousness. Who will not listen to the organizer rules will be kicked out without an explanation and their faction will be disqualified and added on the Blacklist.

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Locul 1 - FBI Gold Medal - 3 puncte

Locul 2 - Las Venturas Police Departament - Silver Medal - 2 puncte

Locul 3 - Hitmen Agency - Bronze Medal - 1 punct

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@Eldon Legend  Se va organiza o olimpiada in 2020, te rog sa postezi in topicul cu discutii de acum.

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