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[MODEL/FORM] Schimbare Nume / Change Nick

Jackson Brooklyn

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Te-ai plictisit de vechiul nume? Nimeni nu te cunoaste dupa numele de pe discord? Ai gresit numele? Ti-ai schimbat numele recent?

Nu te ingrijora, completand modelul de mai jos intr-un topic nou poti sa iti schimbi numele de pe server cu usurinta.

Nota: Doar urmatoarele grade au voie sa faca cerere pentru schimbarea numelui cand doresc ei. 
P.S.: In cazuri speciale putem trece cu vederea daca detineti sau nu acele grade.





Moderator Forum


Radio DJ

Discord VIP

RPG Admin

RPG Helper

RPG Faction Leader
RPG Supervisor 



Nota: Daca ti-ai schimbat numele in joc sau pe forum, ai dreptul sa faci o cerere de schimbare a numelui cu dovezi aferente.

Nota: Daca cineva ti-a furat numele, ai dreptul sa faci o cerere de schimbare a numelui cu dovezile aferente.



Discord ID:
Motivul pentru care vrei sa iti schimbi numele:
Gradul/Gradele detinute:
Link catre profilul RPG:
RPG bar (Mare) [In caz ca ati schimbat numele in joc]:
Dovada cu numele celeilalte persoane(in caz ca cineva v-a furat numele):
Numele pe care il doresti:


Discord ID: GhOsT_x#7082
Motivul pentru care vrei sa iti schimbi numele: Mi-am schimbat numele de pe joc
Gradul/Gradele detinute: RPG Admin, RPG Faction leader
Link catre profilul RPG: https://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/players/general/GhOsT_x.80InSalcie
RPG Bar (Mare) [In caz ca ati schimbat numele in joc]: <poza care dovedeste ca mi-am schimbat numele in joc>
Dovada cu numele celeilalte persoane(in caz ca cineva v-a furat numele):
Numele pe care il doresti: KaKataTha




No one knows you? Did you recently changed your In Game Name or Forum name?

Don't worry, by completing the form from below in a new topic you can change your name easily.

Note: Only the following ranks can ask for a change nick anytime.

P.S.: If there are special cases we will overlook them if you have the roles or not.



Moderator Forum
Radio DJ

Discord VIP

RPG Admin

RPG Helper

RPG Faction Leader

RPG Supervisor 




Note: If you changed your In Game Name or Forum Name you can make a change nick request with proofs.

Note: If someone has stolen your name you can make a change nick request with proofs.



Discord ID:
The reason why you wanna change your name:
Rank/Ranks owned:
RPG profile link:
RPG Bar (Big)[if you changed your in game nickname]:
Proof with the other person's name(if someone has stolen your name):
Desired name:


Discord ID: GhOsT_x#7082
The reason why you wanna change your name: I changed my In Game Name
Rank/Ranks owned: RPG Admin, RPG Faction Leader
RPG profile link: https://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/players/general/GhOsT_x.80InSalcie
RPG Bar (Big) [if you changed your in game nickname]: <the photo that can prove that I changed my name>
Proof with the other person's name(if someone has stolen your name): N/A
Desired name: KakaTaTha


Edited by TLG Dany Faraon
Update - 4/3/2020 [LL/ZZ/AAAA]
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