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Fortnite's PC Requirements Will Change In Season 10


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Fortnite's Week 7 challenges are now live, which means we're quickly nearing the end of Season 9. While there are still a few weeks remaining before Season 10 officially kicks off, if you play Fortnite on PC, you may need to upgrade your rig in order to join the battle next season. Developer Epic Games has announced that Fortnite's minimum requirements on PC will change in Season 10. "Starting with Season 10, the PC version of Fortnite will require a graphics card capable of running Microsoft DirectX 11," Epic wrote on its website. As the developer explains: "While a DirectX 11-capable graphics card has always been one of Fortnite’s system requirements, we’ve kept support online for players with older graphics cards--so they could keep playing! However, when Season 10 begins, Fortnite will no longer be compatible with these older graphics cards. This allows us to focus our development and testing efforts to further optimize the Fortnite experience for all players." Epic hasn't yet announced an exact start date for Season 10, but Season 9 is slated to end on August 1 according to the game's website. That means you'll have until then to complete any challenges and unlock all the Season 9 Battle Pass rewards. If you need help completing any of those, you can find tips for the trickier ones in our full Fortnite Season 9 challenges guide.


Fortnite's most recent update, patch 9.30, arrived earlier this week an introduced a new healing item to the game: the Chug Splash. When thrown, the item will heal you and other players who are within the range of its explosion. A subsequent patch addressed a variety of bugs and other issues that have impacted the game over the last few days.


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