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•Nick : (Nickname)

•Varsta reala: (Real life age)

•Level: (In-game level)

•De cat timp jucati pe server ?: (How much time have you played on B-Zone SA:MP)

•Cat timp jucati zilnic ( fara afk ):(How much time do you play daily without going AFK)

•In ce interval orar jucati samp ( aproximativ ): (State the approximate hours when you play SA:MP)

•ScreenShot /stats(OBLIGATORIU):(Screenshot of your /stats)

•Factiuni anterioare:(Previous factions you've been in)

•De ce ai iesit din factiunea anterioara :(Why did you left your previous faction)

•De ce doresti sa intri in Taxi Cab Company?:(Why would you like to join Taxi Cab Company?)

•Stii harta bine bine?:(Do you know the map well)

•Stii regulile Taxi Cab Company?:(Are you aware of Taxi Cab Company rules?)

•Cate warn'uri ai in joc?:(How many warns do you have in-game?)

•Esti pe Blacklist la o anumita Mafie / Hitman?(specifica):(Are you on a mafia/hitman blacklist?)

•Esti de acord cu faptul ca trebuie sa stai in Taxi Cab Company pentru minim 2 saptamani?:(Will you agree on sticking with Taxi Cab Company at least 2 weeks?)

•Vei respecta liderul si membrii cu rank mai mare din Taxi Cab Company?:(Will you respect the higher ranked members of Taxi Cab Company?)

•Alte precizari?:(Any other statements?)





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