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Hitmen Agency - Lista neagră | Blacklist


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Nickname : toreno

Rank : 1

Reclam pe : PapaBouba

Level'ul celui reclamat : 2

Deoarece : DM fara motiv

Martori : -

Dovezi : 36236024898291376751_thumb.png 32377700337313104101_thumb.png 39296901045855834492_thumb.png

daca nu zicea "GG" la misto dupa,nu il postam


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Nick-ul celui ucis:.CrisS.CoreloenE.

Data(zz/ll/an): 25.06.2011

ScreenShots: http://uploadimage.ro/images/87645491749509360017.png



Player in situatia (1/2 sau 2/2) : 1/2




Nick-ul celui ucis: .sammy.

Data(zz/ll/an): 25.06.2011

ScreenShots: http://uploadimage.ro/images/76601473020096276739.png




Player in situatia (1/2 sau 2/2) : 2/2




Nick-ul celui ucis: ZoZom

Data(zz/ll/an): 28/06/2011

ScreenShots: http://postimage.org/image/1hlxl8yp0/




Player in situatia (1/2 sau 2/2) : 2/2

Edited by ALLEN 94
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Nickname : Smith

Rank : Freelancer

Reclam pe : HazelNut; Ferarry_Robert

Level'ul celui reclamat : bar-000270087.png; bar-000041059.png

Deoarece : Am intrat in Restaurant si m-au atacat toti cei de la usa :)

Martori : N/A

Dovezi : Click

Precizare: M-au atacat si omorat toti care se pot vedea in ScreenShot, insa nu am reusit sa fac decat un singur SS.

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Nickname : =SOLDIER=

Rank : 1.

Reclam pe : Alc0.B

Level'ul celui reclamat : 20+

Deoarece : Furt de la un agent hitman+DB (nu aveam contract pe el)

Martori : -

Dovezi : 1 2 3

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HazelNut; Ferarry_Robert - Smith,se vede clar ca ai contract pe cineva si ca in restaurant era un fel de eveniment iar acei 2 se ocupau de paza doar.Nu primesc nimic.

robertr. - 1/2

pooh - iulian,tu cine esti sa judeci lumea? nu primeste nimic

RemYxXx - 1/2

Alc0.B - 1/2

gabyxu - 1/2

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