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B-Olympics Winter 2019 - Proba generala - Let's Be Active!

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 16.12.2019 - 22.12.2019
Tip probă: Statistica
Tip participare: Toti membrii factiunii
Descriere: La finalul saptamanii in care se va organiza B-Olympics Winter 2019 se va face o statistica a activitatii factiunilor.

- In functie de activitatea fiecarei factiuni ce participa la olimpiada, acestea vor primi un scor, incepand de la nota 1 (nu exista o limita a scorului).

- Pentru a fi corecti, fiecare tip de factiune va fi notat diferit, in functie de tipul de raport pe care il au de facut saptamanal.

- Factiunile tip gang vor fi notate in functie de performanta de la war-urile din weekend.

- Ca punct de referinta vom lua activitatea tuturor factiunilor in luna noiembrie si vom face o medie a activitatii.

Tipul de factiune - media celor 4 saptmani trecute - scorul pentru acea medie - numarul de puncte necesar pentru a creste scorul cu un punct

  - Paramedics - 1912 - Nota 6 - 319/punct
  - News Reporters - 2530 - Nota 6 - 422/punct
  - Tow Truck Company - 740 - Nota 6 - 123/punct
  - Taxi Company - 1025 - Nota 6 - 171/punct
  - School Instructors - 320 - Nota 6 - 64/punct
  - Police Departments - 1055 - Nota 6 - 176/punct
  - Federal Bureau of Investigation - 1709 - Nota 6 - 285/punct
  - National Guard - 681 - Nota 6 - 114/punct
  - Hitmen Agency - 909 - Nota 6 - 152/punct
  - Gangs - 362 - Nota 6 - 60/punct (
se iau in considerare doar kill-urile facute la cele 2 war-uri din weekend)

Imagini/video: -
Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Doar factiunile inscrise la olimpiada sunt notate



Date & hour: 16.12.2019 - 22.12.2019
Task Type: Statistics
Participation type: All faction members
Description: At the end of the week in which we will organise the B-Olympics Winter 2019 we will create a statistic for the factions activity.
- Depending on the activity of every faction which will participate, they will get a score, starting from 1 (
there is not a limit for this score).
- Every type of faction will be noted differently, depending on the raport type they have to do weekly
- The gangs will be noted depending on their performance at the weekend wars.
- As point of reference we will look at the average activity of every faction in November.
Faction type - their average activity - the score for that activity - the points they need to raise the score with 1.
  - Paramedics - 1912 - Score 6 - 319/point
  - News Reporters - 2530 - Score 6 - 422/point
  - Tow Truck Company - 740 - Score 6 - 123/point
  - Taxi Company - 1025 - Score 6 - 171/point
  - School Instructors - 320 - Score 6 - 64/point
  - Police Departments - 1055 - Score 6 - 176/point
  - Federal Bureau of Investigation - 1709 - Score 6 - 285/point
  - National Guard - 681 - Score 6 - 114/point
  - Hitmen Agency - 909 - Score 6 - 152/point
  - Gangs - 362 - Score 6 - 60/point (
we will consider only the kills that are made in the weekend wars)
Images/video: -
Extra rules for this task: Only the participating factions will get a score.

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Locul 1 - Tow Truck Company - 1536 puncte - Nota 12.48 - Best Raport Pacoste - Gold Medal - 3 puncte
Locul 2 -
National Guard - 1325 puncte - Nota 11.62 - Best Raport Alone_CT - Silver Medal - 2 puncte
Locul 3 -
Las Venturas Police Department - 1696 puncte - Nota 9.63 - Best Raport intelHD - Bronze Medal - 1 punct


Locul 4 - Los Santos Police Department - 1581 puncte - Nota 8.98

Locul 5 - San Fierro Police Department - 1563 puncte - Nota 8.88

Locul 6 - San Fierro School Instructors - 490 puncte - Nota 7.65

Locul 7 - Las Venturas School Instructors - 425 puncte - Nota 6.64

Locul 8 - Los Santos School Instructors - 424 puncte - Nota 6.62

Locul 9 - The Tsar Bratva - 395 kill-uri - Nota 6.58

Locul 10 - Hitmen Agency - 894 puncte - Nota 5.88

Locul 11 - Red Dragon Triad - 333 kill-uri - Nota 5.55

Locul 12 - Las Venturas Taxi - 937 puncte - Nota 5.47

Locul 13 - News Reporters - 2143 puncte - Nota 5.07

Locul 14 - Federal Bureau of Investigation - 1371 puncte - Nota 4.81

Locul 15 - San Fierro Taxi - 736 puncte - Nota 4.30

Locul 16 - Los Santos Taxi - 705 puncte - Nota 4.12

Locul 17 - El Loco Cartel - 240 kill-uri - Nota 4

Locul 18 - Avispa Rifa - 226 kill-uri - Nota 3.76

Locul 19 - Green Street Boys - 165 kill-uri - Nota 2.75

Locul 20 - Verdant Family - 111 kill-uri - Nota 1.85

Locul 21 - Paramedics - 220 puncte - Nota 0.70

Edited by RelaXx S4F
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