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B-Olympics Summer 2020 - Evenimentul 2 - 3 Events in 1

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 19.07.2020, intre 16:00 si 22:00
Tip proba: Ruleta Ruseasca
Tip participare: Toti jucatorii nivel 15+
Descriere: Evenimentul se va organiza prin intermediul comenzii "/requestevent", toti jucatorii de nivel 15+ putand folosi comanda "/join".
- Dupa ce participantii ajung la locatia evenimentului vor astepta instructiunile organizatorilor.
- Vor exista 3 etape prin care jucatorii vor trece.

-- Evenimentul principal va fi "Ruleta Ruseasca".

-- Cand un jucator moare la "Ruleta Ruseasca" acesta va fi respawnat intr-o locatie unde va continua sa joace in "Alege Coltul".

--- Cand o tura de "Ruleta Ruseasca" se sfarseste, ajutoarele de la "Alege coltul" vor da cu zarul, iar numarul de pe zar va arata coltul castigator.

--- Coltul castigator va fi trimis inapoi la "Ruleta Ruseasca", restul jucatorilor de la "Alege coltul" fiind pusi sa faca LMS.

-- Castigatorul LMS va fi trimis inapoi la evenimentul principal.
Premiu: 1200 gold + 1.000.000$ + 1 raport injumatatit sau 1 warn clear + 30 puncte de respect
Imagini/video: -
Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Participantii ce nu se conformeaza instructiunilor organizatorilor vor fi eliminati de la eveniment fara a primi o explicatie.
- Se pune accentul pe seriozitate, va rugam sa fiti cat se poate de seriosi pe parcursul evenimentului.




Date & hour: 19.07.2020, between 16:00 and 22:00
Task type: Russian Roulette
Participation type: All players with level 15+
Description: The event will be organised through "/requestevent" command and all players with level 15+ will be able to use "/join".
- After the participants get to the event location they will have to wait for the organiser instructions.
- There will be 3 steps that the players will pass.
-- The main event will be "Russian Roulette".
-- When a players dies at "Russian Roulette" will be respawned to a new location where he will continue to participate to an "Pick the corner" event.
--- When a round of "Russian Roulette" is finished, the helpers from "Pick the corner" will dice, and the number on the dice will choose the winning corner.
--- The winning corner will be sent back to "Russian Roulette", the rest of the players from "Pick the corner" will go to a LMS step from there.
-- The winner from the LMS will be sent back to the main event.

Prize: 1200 gold + 1.000.000$ + 1 half activity raport or 1 warn clear + 30 respect points
Images/video: -
Extra rules for the task: The participants that will not comply with the organisers instructions will be eliminated from the event without getting a explanation.
- We are expecting seriousness from you, so we are asking you to be as serious as possible.

Edited by RelaXx S4F
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Castigatoarea evenimentului cu numarul 2 este @Beatrice Ioana, Felicitari!

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