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Promovari / Promotions






In factiune exista 2 sisteme de promovare. De la Rank 1 la Rank 4, respectiv de la Rank 4 la Rank 5.






Rank 1 - Rank 4


- Puncte necesare pentru avansare -


  • Rank 2 - primiți după minim 14 zile și maxim 21 zile de la rank-ul anterior si daca ati efectuat minim 180 de puncte la raport de la ultima promovare. 
  • Rank 3 - primiți după minim 14 zile și maxim 21 zile de la rank-ul anterior si daca ati efectuat minim 150 de puncte la raport de la ultima promovare.
  • Rank 4 - primiți după minim 21 zile de la rank-ul anterior si daca ati efectuat minim 200 de puncte de raport de la ultima promovare.





Pentru a primi Rank la timp, un membru trebuie sa fi indeplinit si raportul bonus pentru rank-ul sau in cel putin jumatate din saptamanile necesare pentru a lua rank up (rotunjit in sus) + sa aiba o prezenta decenta la activitatile organizate in factiune.



In ziua in care trebuie sa primiti rank, liderul va verifica daca aveti punctele necesare pentru a fi promovati la timp.

Daca NU aveti punctele la momentul respectiv, este strict datoria voastre de a anunta prin orice mijloace posibile odata ce indepliniti cerintele, pentru a nu ramane la auto sau cu intarzieri nemeritate. (Cel mai usor se rezolva prin PM)







Rank 4 -> Rank 5


Sunt necesare 30 zile + 100p pentru a avansa la Rank 5.




Punctele se vor calcula in fiecare saptamana, daca intre timp sunteti siguri ca indepliniti conditiile puteti contacta liderul.

Nu veți primi puncte dacă promovați după jumătatea săptămânii (începând de joi).


Liderul isi poate rezerva dreptul de a nu promova un membru la timp daca acesta considera cum ca comportamentul acestuia este inadecvat.




- Ore jucate -


Punctele pentru ore vor fi puse după fiecare sfârșit de lună, odată cu efectuarea evidenței lunare privind orele reale, dar dacă aveți nevoie de ele pentru rank-up, se pot pune și mai devreme.

Se aplica pana la maxim 100h.

Veți primi punctele de promovare doar dacă promovați la rank 4 înainte de data de 15 (inclusiv) a lunii respective.


Pentru fiecare 10 ore jucate pe goldaward veti obtine:




Mai putin de 30h/luna pe goldaward:

<30h  ->  0p
<20h  -> -5p




- Sanctiuni -


Rank down -> resetare la 0p
FW -> -5p
AV -> -3p
Amenda -> -1p

Neindeplinire raport -> -4p (Pentru cei care isi dau singuri optional sau il efectueaza tot la 2 saptamani. NU pentru modificari la raport castigate prin intermediul activitatilor / concursurilor / medicului saptamanii.)

Comportament neadectvat: -10p (cu fiecare abatere noua se dubleza punctele scazute)


Pentru ca punctele sa fie scazute trebuie sa indepliniti minim o conditie din urmatoarele:

- jigniri grave/limbaj vulgar in joc fata de colegi

- tot ce tine de cearta si instigat la cearta pe chaturile factiunii.

- multiple cazuri de comportament neadectvat fata de alti jucatori de pe server (ex: 3 reclamatii RPG pentru limbaj vulgar/jigniri sanctionabile sau nu in ultima luna)

- comportamentul vostru de pe diferitele retele de socializare fata de colegii din factiune cat timp se stie clar ca sunteti voi persoana respectiva.




- Raport -


Raport minim / raport optional castigat: +2p
Raport dublu: +4p

Raport triplu: +8p

300 puncte: +15p
500+ puncte +20p




- Activitati -


Participat activitate: +8p

Organizat activitate: +20p



* Pentru activitatile optionale se vor pune doar jumatate din puncte.






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In Paramedics, there are 2 systems for promotions, from Rank 1 to Rank 4 and from Rank 4 to Rank 5.






Rank 1 - Rank 4


- Required Points -


  • Rank 2 - minimum 14 days manual promotion / 21 days automatic promotion if the member has at least 180 activity report points since his last promotion.
  • Rank 3 - minimum 14 days manual promotion / 21 days automatic promotion if the member has at least 150 activity report points since his last promotion.
  • Rank 4 - minimum 21 days manual promotion if the member has at least 200 activity report points since his last promotion. 








In order to be promoted to a higher rank as soon as possible, a member must have completed the bonus activity report for his rank during at least half the weeks (rounded up) required between being promoted + to have a decent presence to the faction activities.

For each absence request, the member recieves a one day delay for his promotions.


On the day in which you should recieve a promotion, the leader will check if you fulfill all the conditions.

If you do  NOT have the required amount of points at the time, it's strictly your own duty to inform the leader once you fulfill the requirements, so that you won't have to wait for a delayed or automatic promotion.

(Easiest to be achieved via PM)








Rank 4 -> Rank 5


You must have 30 days + 100p in order to be promoted to Rank 5.




Points will be calculated each week. If in the meantime you're certain that you fulfill the conditions, you can contact the leader.

You will not receive points if you promote after the half of the week (starting from Thursday).


The leader can reserve the right to not promote a member if he considers that his behaviour and attitude are inadequate for doing so.




- Hours Played -


*Hours played promotion points will be added after the end of each month, once the monthly played hours statistics are completed, but they may be added earlier in case you need them for promotion purpose.

Points can be gained up to a maximum of 100 hours.

You will receive promotion points for hours played only if you promote to rank 4 before the 15th day (including) of that month.

For each 10 hours played on /goldaward you'll recieve:




Less than 30h/month on goldaward:

<30h  ->  0p
<20h  -> -5p




- Punishments -


Rank down -> restart at 0p
FW -> -5p
AV -> -3p
Fine -> -1 p

Incomplete activity report -> -4p (For those that use half /optional reports or only fulfill it every 2 weeks. NOT for earned modifications to the activity report such as prizes from contests / activities / medic of the week)

Inadequate behavior: -10p (with each misdemeanor, the substracted points will be doubled)



- insults/vulgar language with fellow colleagues in game

- arguments and creating fights / conflicts on the faction chat

- multiple bad behavior cases with other players (ex. being reported multiple times for behavior reasons.)

- your behavior with faction colleagues on social media (eg, whatsapp, discord) if they can prove you're that person



- Activity Report -


Minimum Activity Report: +2p
Double Activity Report: +4p

Triple Activity Report: +8p

300 activity report points: +15p
500+ activity Report points +20p




- Activities -


Participation: +8p

Organizing: +20p



* For optional activities, you'll only recieve half the points.

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Actualizare puncte conf. Rapoartelor de Vara
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Mikkel - 20p (Vei incepe cu 20 de puncte datorita zilelor petrecute ca Rank 4)

ACABz - 20p (Vei incepe cu 20 de puncte datorita zilelor petrecute ca Rank 4)

Stevensen - 0p (Vei incepe de la 0 puncte datorita activitatii foarte slabe de la Rank 4 incoace)

Nackt - 50p (Cu toate ca ai activitate slaba, vei incepe de la 50 de puncte datorita numarului de zile mare petrecute ca Rank 4)

AlonsoSILENT - 0p (Vei incepe de la 0 puncte datorita activitatii foarte slabe de la Rank 4 incoace)

wSk -0p

Savage - 0p

Str3su.Computer - 0p

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Mikkel - 32p (+12p // Organizare activitate + raport minim)

ACABz - 30p (+10p // Participare activitate + raport dublu)

Stevensen - 14p (+14p // Participare activitate + raport triplu)

Nackt - 76p (+28p // Participare activitate + raport optional castigat & raport 500+)

AlonsoSILENT - -18p (-18p // FW + Absenta Activitate + raport minim)

wSk - 8p (+8p // Participare Activitate + raport minim)

Savage - 8p (+8p // Participare Activitate + raport minim)

Str3su.Computer - 10p (+10p // Participare Activitate + raport dublu)

Garrick - 0p (Promovat saptamana aceasta)

dani_13 - 0p (Promovat saptamana aceasta)

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Mikkel - 37p (+5p // Participare activitate optionala + raport minim)

ACABz - 37p (+7p // Participare activitate optionala + raport dublu)

Stevensen - 40p (+26p // Organizare activitate + injumatatire raport castigata & raport 300+)

Nackt - 79p (+3p // Participare activitate optionala)

AlonsoSILENT - -13p (+5p // Participare activitate optionala + raport minim)

wSk - 15p (+7p // Participare Activitate optionala+ raport dublu)

Savage - 7p (-1p // Absenta Activitate optionala + raport dublu)

Str3su.Computer - 15p (+5p // Participare Activitate optionala + raport minim)

Garrick -   -3p (-3p // Absenta Activitate optionala + raport minim)

dani_13 - -3p (-3p // Absenta Activitate optionala + raport minim)

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Mikkel - 55p (+18p // 64 ore reale)

ACABz - 61p (+24p // 86 ore reale)

Stevensen - 49p (+9p // 40 ore reale - amenda)

Nackt - 91p (+12p // 46 ore reale)

AlonsoSILENT - -13p (+0p // 17 ore reale)

wSk - 45p (+30p // 106 ore reale)

Savage - 37p (+30p // 139 ore reale)

Str3su.Computer - 45p (+30p // 102 ore reale)

Garrick -   9p (+12p // 44 ore reale)

dani_13 - 12p (+15p // 54 ore reale)

Wyktor - 24p (+24p // 82 ore reale)

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Mikkel - 63p (+8p // Participare Activitate + raport minim)

ACABz - 71p (+10p // Ajutor Activitate + raport minim)

Stevensen - 51p (+2p // raport minim)

Nackt - 99p (+8p // Participare Activitate + raport minim)

AlonsoSILENT - -1p (+12p // Organizat activitate + raport minim)

wSk - 47p (+2p // raport minim)

Savage - 29p (-8p // Neindeplinire Raport)

Str3su.Computer - 55p (+10p // Participare Activitate + raport dublu)

Garrick -   11p (+2p // raport minim)

dani_13 - 22p (+10p // Participare Activitate + raport dublu)

Wyktor - 26p (+2p // raport minim)

Seenzor - 0p (Promovat recent)

Kikikyti - 0p (Promovata recent)

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Mikkel - 68p (+5p // Participare Activitate opt. + raport minim)

ACABz - 73p (+2p //Raport minim)

Stevensen - 53p (+2p // raport minim)

Nackt - PROMOVAT (+5p // Participare Activitate opt + raport minim)

AlonsoSILENT - 1p (+2p // Raport minim)

wSk - 49p (+2p // raport minim)

Savage - 31p (+2p // raport minim)

Str3su.Computer - 51p (-4p // raport minim - amenda x2)

Garrick -   11p (+7p // Participare Activitate opt. + raport dublu)

dani_13 - 24p (+2p // raport minim)

Wyktor - 28p (+2p // raport minim)

Seenzor - 7p (+7p // Participare Activitate Opt. + Raport Dublu)

Kikikyti - 2p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Medievh - 0p (Promovat recent)

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Mikkel - 76p (+8p // Participare Activitate. + raport minim)

ACABz - 85p (+12p //Raport minim + Organizare Activitate)

Stevensen - 25p (-28p // raport incomplet + absenta activitate + FW)

AlonsoSILENT - 7p (+6p // Raport minim + Ajutor activitate)

wSk - 49p (+0p // Cerere Inactivitate)

Savage - 3p (-28p // raport incomplet + absenta activitate + FW) - Demisie.

Str3su.Computer - 59p (+8p // raport minim + participare activitate)

Garrick -   19p (+8p // Participare Activitate + raport minim)

dani_13 - 32p (+8p // Participare Activitate + raport minim)

Wyktor - 36p (+8p // Participare Activitate. + raport minim)

Seenzor - 15p (+8p // Participare Activitate. + raport minim)

Kikikyti - 10p (+8p // Participare Activitate. + raport minim)

Medievh - 12p (+12p // Participare Activitate. + raport dublu)

Alexia - 0p (Promovata Recent)

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Mikkel - 81p (+5p // Participare Activitate opt. + raport minim)

ACABz - 87p (+2p //Raport minim)

Stevensen - 25p (+0p // Cerere Inactivitate)

AlonsoSILENT -   -1p (-8p // Raport Incomplet)

wSk - 53p (+4p // Raport Dublu)

Str3su.Computer - 64p (+5p // raport minim + participare activitate opt.)

Garrick -   21p (+2p //  raport minim)

dani_13 - 34p (+2p //  raport minim)

Wyktor - 37p (+1p // Raport minim)  [injumatatire raport aplicata manual]

Seenzor - 17p (+2p // raport minim)

Kikikyti - 15p (+5p // Participare Activitate. + raport minim)

Medievh - 30p (+18p // Raport Triplu + Organizare Activitate)

Alexia - 2p (+2p // Raport Minim)



Edit 29.04.2021


Mikkel - Promovat (+20p // Raport Triplu + Ore reale).


Mentiuni: Raport optional + raport dublu efectuat = raport triplu, iar orele reale au fost adaugate mai devreme la cererea membrului.

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wSk - 63p (+10p //Bonus sarbatori) - 18 ore reale

Wyktor - 56p (+19p //Bonus sarbatori + 37 Ore reale)

Medievh - 65p (+34p //Bonus sarbatori + 80 Ore reale)

Gabriel.Gabri - 40p (+40p //Bonus sarbatori + 164 Ore reale)

AlonsoSILENT -  9p (+10p //Bonus sarbatori) - 12 ore reale

Alexia - 27p (+25p //Bonus sarbatori + 52 Ore reale)

Garrick -   31p (+10p //Bonus sarbatori) - 20 ore reale

Kikikyti - 34p (+19p // Bonus sarbatori + 36 Ore reale)

ACABz - Promovat (+19p //Bonus sarbatori + 37 Ore reale)

Str3su.Computer - 86p (+22p //Bonus sarbatori + 49 Ore reale)

Seenzor - 27p (+10p //Bonus sarbatori) - 27 ore reale

dani_13 - 53p (+19p //Bonus sarbatori + 30 ore reale)

Stevensen - 25p (+0p //Bonus sarbatori - FW Activitate Slaba) - 2 ore reale












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wSk - 64p (+1p // Raport minim - injumatatit manual)

Wyktor - 58p (+2p // Raport minim)

Medievh - 73p (+8p // Raport Triplu)

Gabriel.Gabri - 42p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Alexia - 29p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Garrick -   33p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Kikikyti - 36p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Str3su.Computer - 88p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 28p (+1p // Raport Minim - injumatatit manual) 

dani_13 - 55p (+2p // Raport Minim)

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wSk - 66p (+2p // Raport minim)

Wyktor - 60p (+2p // Raport optional)

Medievh - 77p (+4p // Raport Dublu)

Gabriel.Gabri - 44p (+2p // Raport Optional)

Alexia - 31p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Kikikyti - 38p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Str3su.Computer - 90p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 30p (+2p // Raport Optional) 

dani_13 - 57p (+2p // Raport Minim)

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wSk - 76p (+10p // Raport Dublu + Participare Activitate)

Wyktor - 62p (+2p // Raport optional)

Medievh - 85p (+8p // Raport Optional + Participare Activitate)

Gabriel.Gabri - 52p (+8p // Raport Optional + Participare Activitate)

Alexia - 39p (+8p // Raport Optional + Participare Activitate)

Kikikyti - 50p (+12p // Raport Minim + Organizare Activitate)

Str3su.Computer - 98p (+8p // Raport Optional + Participare Activitate)

Seenzor - 12p (-18p // FW + Absenta Activitate +Raport Optional) 

dani_13 - 59p (+2p // Raport Optional)

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Bibe - 88p (+12p // Raport Minim + Organizare Activitate)

Wyktor - 54p (-8p // Neindeplinire raport)

Medievh - 90p (+5p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Gabriel.Gabri - 57p (+5p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Alexia - 34p (-5p // Raport Incomplet + Participare Activitate)

Kikikyti - 55p (+5p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Str3su.Computer - PROMOVAT (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 17p (+5p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate) 

luk - 3p (+3p // Participare Activitate)

Tuddor - 0p (Promovat Recent)

Esscu - 0p (Promovat Recent)






Bibe - PROMOVAT (+15p // 57 ore reale) - Adaugate mai devreme la cererea membrului.

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Wyktor - 43p (-11p // Raport Dublu - FW - sub 15h reale)

Medievh - PROMOVAT (+10p // Raport Dublu + Participare Activitate)

Gabriel.Gabri - 86p (+29p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate + 70h reale)

Alexia - 44p (+10p // Raport Dublu + Participare Activitate)

Kikikyti - 58p (+3p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate - sub 15h pe goldaward)

Seenzor - -1p (-18p // Raport Minim - Absenta Activitate - FW )

Tuddor - 20p (+20p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate +40h reale)

Karola - 0p (Promovata Recent)

Pavel18 -  -10p (Degradat Recent)

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Wyktor - 45p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Gabriel.Gabri - 88p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Alexia - 46p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Kikikyti - 60p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 1p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Tuddor - 12p (-8p // Raport Incomplet)

Karola - 8p (+8p // Raport Triplu)

Biri - 0p (Promovat Recent)


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Alexia - 54p (+8p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Kikikyti - 68p (+8p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Seenzor - 9p (+8p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Tuddor - 12p (Cerere Inactivitate)

Karola - 10p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Biri - 0p (Cerere Inactivitate)

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Alexia - 54p (+0p // Cerere inactivitate)

Kikikyti - 70p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 11p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Tuddor - 14p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Karola - 12p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Biri - 0p (Cerere Inactivitate)

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Alexia - 54p (+0p // Cerere inactivitate)

Kikikyti - 78p (+8p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Seenzor - 13p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Tuddor - 16p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Karola - 16p (+4p // Raport Dublu)

Biri - 2p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Ale[k]s - 6p (+6p //  Participare Activitate)

rewind - 6p (+6p //  Participare Activitate)

dotzo - 6p (+6p //  Activity Participation)

Isabella - 6p (+6p //  Participare Activitate)

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Alexia - 44p (-10p // Sub 10h reale pe luna)

Kikikyti - 68p (-10p // Sub 10h reale pe luna)

Seenzor - 13p (+0p // Sub 30h reale pe luna)

Tuddor - 16p (+0p // Sub 30h reale pe luna)

Karola - 31p (+15p // 52h reale)

Biri -  -12p (-10p // Sub 10h reale pe luna)

Ale[k]s - 6p (+0p //  Promovat dupa jumatatea lunii)

rewind - 6p (+0p //  Promovat dupa jumatatea lunii)

dotzo - 6p (+0p //  Promoted after the first half of the month)

Isabella - 6p (+0p //  Promovata dupa jumatatea lunii)

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Alexia - 46p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Kikikyti - 70p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 5p (-8p // Raport Incomplet)

Karola - 33p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Biri -  -20p (-8p // Raport Incomplet)

Ale[k]s - 7p (+1p //  Raport minim ca helper/admin) [jumatatea unui raport obisnuit]

rewind - 14p (+8p //  Raport Triplu)

dotzo - 10p (+4p //  Double Activity Report)

Isabella - 14p (+8p //  Raport Triplu)

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Alexia - 28p (-18p // Raport Minim - Absenta Activitate - FW)

Kikikyti - 78p (+8p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate) 

Seenzor - 15p (+10p // Raport Dublu+ Participare Activitate)

Karola - 41p (+8p // Raport Minim + Participare Activitate)

Ale[k]s - 15p (+8p //  Raport minim + Participare Activitate)

rewind - 28p (+14p //  Raport Triplu + Participare Activitate) 

dotzo - 20p (+10p //  Double Activity Report + Activity Participation) 

Isabella - 49p (+35p //  Organizare activitate + Raport 500)

Blaja - 2p (+2p // Raport Minim)

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Kikikyti - 80p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 23p (+8p // Raport Triplu)

Karola - 41p (+0p // Cerere Inactivitate) 

Ale[k]s - 17p (+2p //  Raport minim) 

Mike Wheeler - 42p (+14p //  Raport Triplu + Participare Concurs)

dotzo - 30p (+10p //  Double Activity Report + Contest Participation)

Isabella - 75p (+26p //  Participare Concurs + Raport 500)

Blaja - 2p (+0p // Cerere Inactivitate) 

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Kikikyti - 82p (+2p // Raport Minim)

Seenzor - 27p (+4p // Raport Triplu + Participare Activitate - FW)

Karola - 23p (-18p // Raport Minim - Absenta Activitate - FW) 

Ale[k]s - 31p (+14p //  Raport Triplu + Participare Activitate)

Mike Wheeler - 65p (+23p //  Raport Triplu + Organizare Activitate)

dotzo - 42p (+12p //  Double Activity Report + Activity Helper) 

Isabella - PROMOVATA (+26p //  Raport Triplu + Participare Activitate + 49 ore gold award [Ore adaugate la cererea membrului]

Blaja - 12p (+10p // Raport Dublu + Participare Activitate)  
Geykume - 0p (Promovat Recent)  

Barsad - 0p (Promovat Recent)  

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Kikikyti - 86p (+4p // Raport Dublu ) - 20 ore goldaward

Seenzor - 56p (+29p // Raport Triplu + 78 ore goldaward)

Karola - 34p (+11p // Raport Minim + 37 ore goldaward) 

Ale[k]s - 63p (+32p //  Raport Minim + 100 ore goldaward)

Mike Wheeler - PROMOVAT (+38p //  Raport Triplu + 100 ore goldaward)

dotzo - 64p (+22p //  Double Activity Report + 64 goldaward hours) 

Blaja - 16p (+4p // Raport Dublu )  - 19 ore goldaward
Gekyume - 2p (+2p // Raport Minim)  - 25 ore pe goldaward

Barsad - 4p (+4p // Raport Dublu) - 19 ore goldaward  

Pointless - 0p (Promovat Recent)

deivid1 - 0p (Promovat Recent)

Edited by Delgado
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