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[Tutorial] [RO/ENG] How to add effects in FL Studio


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program: FL Studio 20


Pentru inceput, va trebui sa aveti un instrument / sunet / melodie / toba pe care vreti sa adaugati efecte.

Sa presupunem ca avem un instrument, in acest caz FL Keys.







Trebuie sa trimiteti acel instrument intr-un canal de mixing.







Dupa ce ati trimis instrumentul in mixer, pe dreapta aveti slot-urile in care puteti adauga efecte. Pur si simplu dati click pe slot si va alegeti efectul.

Ordinea efectelor are importanta, asta inseamna ca efectul pus pe slotul 1 va fi procesat inainte de acel de pe slotul 2; deci daca puneti un EQ pe slotul 9, spre exemplu, acesta nu va avea aceeasi influenta pe frecvente ca un EQ pus pe slotul 1.






Edited by cedryk'
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program: FL Studio 20


First, you will need an instrument / sound / melody / drum to add effects to.

Let's suppose we have an instrument, in this case FL Keys.








You have to send that instrument to a mixing channel.








After you have sent the instrument in the mixer, on the right you'll find the slots where you can add the effects. You have to click on a slot and then choose the effect you want. The effects' order is important, which means that if the effect added on the 1st slot will be processed before the one on the 2nd slot; so if you put an EQ on the 9th slot, for example, it won't have the same influence of the frequencies as an EQ put on the 1st slot.








Edited by cedryk'
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