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bug - gungame


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Nick-ul tău: Ne[X]uS
Server: RPG1
Descrierea bugului: Salut, eram la arena de gungame, unde am câștigat runda cu 'Cuțitul de Aur'. La finalul rundei, Dany_Negoi mi-a dat wanted că l-am făcut să plângă. Nu aș fi putut să-l atac deoarece era la un interval de 5 secunde și acolo era safezone. 
Screenshot(s):  https://imgur.com/a/7aCDxMb (mi-a luat ceva să realizez de ce am wanted)

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@NeXuS., This happens even in the training room. It is mostly due to lag. To keep it simple for you to understand. If both players are in the same virtual world of the gun game, If a player shoots a player and kills him and the presumed  "dead-player" shoots before dying(server sets his virtual world to a different one from the gun game and spawns the player in the default samp location point(the famous (0,0,0) location near hitman agency) then resets him back to the gun game), the server automatically thinks that the "dead-player" shot someone within the normal virtual world(which has the same scripts as Virtual world 0) and sends the /emergency script to the guy who got shot. As I said this rarely happens because of lag.

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