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[Tutorial] [RO/ENG] How to create a beat visualizer in FL Studio


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versiune folosita: FL Studio 20


Unele platforme ca youtube, spre exemplu, nu accepta file-urile .mp3 la upload, asta insemnand ca nu poti uploada doar beat-ul in format .mp3 si atat, ai nevoie de un file .mp4. in acest caz ai nevoie de un visualizer pe care utilizatorii FL Studio il pot crea direct in DAW.


1. Pentru inceput, trebuie sa selectati master channel (important) si sa deschideti ZGameEditor Visualizer.



Screenshot (1485).png


2. Cand vi se deschide programul aveti doar o sectiune (A, vezi in imagine). in aceste sectiuni voi va puteti adauga imagini si efecte pe care le puteti modifica dupa gust.




Screenshot (1486).png


Screenshot (1488).png


3. In sectiunea "Add content" puteti adauga resurse proprii pe care sa le folositi in proiect. pentru a face asta urmariti pasii demonstrati in poze.




1. Screenshot (1490).png


2. Screenshot (1491).png


3. Screenshot (1493).png


4. Cand sunteti multumiti cu produsul final selectati "Export Video", selectati unde vreti sa fie salvat clipul, selectati rezolutia iar mai apoi selectati "ok".







Edited by cedryk'
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Used version: FLStudio 20

Some platforms like YouTube, doesn't accept .mp3 files to upload. So, if you want to upload a beat on YouTube you need it as a .mp4 file. In this case, you need a Visualizer which can be made in FLStudio DAW.

*click on the "Reveal Hidden Contents" for the specific number.


1. Select Master Channel (IMPORTANT) and open ZGameEditor Visualizer.

2. Once the program started, you will see only an option (A, see in picture). In this sections, you can add images and effects which can be modified.

3. In section "Add content" you can add your own resources to use in the project. For doing that, follow the steps showed in the pictures.

4. When your project is ready, select "Export Video", then where you wanat your video to be saved, select the resolution. After that, select OK.

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