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B-Olympics Spring 2021 - Proba 3 - Poker Stars

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 19.05.2021, dupa ora 19:00.
Tip proba: Poker
Tip participare: 1 participant din fiecare factiune
Descriere: Fiecare jucator va primi 100.000$ de la admini pentru a juca, astfel ca sunteti rugati sa va prezentati cu 0$ in mana;
- la fiecare masa se vor juca 15 maini de poker, la finalul carora primii 2 jucatori cu cele mai mari castiguri vor continua in finala;

- bid-ul minim la masa este de 5.000$, fold-ul este permis fara sa platiti mana respectiva in cazul in care nu vreti sa jucati o mana din cauza cartilor;

- din 6 jucatori alesi pentru finala, cei 5 cu cei mai multi bani vor continua in finala, unul fiind considerat ca si pierzator din start;
- ultimii 3 jucatori ramasi vor fi declarati castigatori in functie de castigurile lor.

Reguli suplimentare pentru aceasta proba: Participantii ce nu se conformeaza instructiunilor organizatorilor vor fi descalificati de la eveniment fara a primi o explicatie.
- Se pune accentul pe seriozitate, va rugam sa fiti cat se poate de seriosi pe parcursul evenimentului.

- Va rugam sa veniti cu un client de samp care sa va permita vizualizarea cartilor de joc, daca nu le vedeti va vom schimba cu alt membru al factiunii sau vom descalifica factiunea de la proba.

- Incercarea de a fugii cu banii primiti de la admini inainte sau dupa proba va fi sanctionata in factiune cu 3/3 pentru frauda olimpiada, de asemenea banii va vor fi extrasi din cont de catre admini.

- La fiecare masa va fi un membru staff care va supraveghea demersul probei fara a participa la joc.





Date & hour: 19.05.2021, after 19:00 (server time)
Task Type: Poker
Participation type: 1 participant for each faction
Description: Each player will get 100.000$ from the admins to play so we are asking you to come to the task with 0$ in your hand balance;
- every poker table will play only 15 hands, at the end of these 15 hands the first 2 players with the most winnings will continue to the final;
- the minimum bid you can play at these tables will be 5.000
$, you are allowed to fold without paying on any hands you want if you don't want to play because of the cards;
- from the 6 players that will be chosen for the finals, only the best 5 with the most winnings will go to the final, the 6th one will be considered as he would have lost;
- the last 3 players will be declared winners depending on their winnings.

Extra rules for the task: The participants that will not conform with the organiser instructions will be disqualified without an explenation.
- We are expectig seriousness from you, so we are asking you to be as serious as you can thtoughout the event.
- We are asking you to come to the task with a samp client that allows you to see the cards and play poker, if you can't see them we will change you with another faction member or we will disqualify your faction from the task.
- If you try to run with the money that the admins gave to you, the admins will punish you with 3/3 fw in the faction for tring to fraud the olympics, of course the money will be taken from your account.
- At every poker table there will be a staff member that will supervise the match without participating in the task.


Edited by RelaXx S4F
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