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Nickname: LoRdS

Doresc: Signature/Avatar

Tema: Girls

Text: LoRdS The BeSsT ,Si as mai dor un scris mai complicat sa scrie LoRdS cu o coroana de rege pe "L" sau daca nu puteti cu coroana macar scrisul VA ROGGG!!!

Dimensiuni: ca pe forum

Imagine: http://media.picfor.me/001E459/Siobhan-Parekh-in-a-blue-bikini-bikini-sexy-babe-Siobhan-Parekh-Hot-Girl-hot-sunset-beach-boobs-hotsexy-%D0%A2%D1%91%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B8-babes-linda-Boobies-cleavage-YUMMMMM-SEXY-TUMMY-Perfect-body-keiths-pics-Sexxxy-girl-sex-sexy-girl-hot-girl-sexy-hot-babe_large.jpg

Alte precizari?:Sper sa mi se rezolve cerere ca am mai facut una si am asteptat 1 luna si nu mia facut nimeni!!!

Edited by LoRdS
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