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[CLEO] get dialog text


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Hello, i have some issues with the dialog, specifically get_dialog_text function and get_dialog_caption. I am able to get the current dialog id and even to set current dialog list item. But for the get_dialog_text for some reason it returns null. I am using the code below:

0AC8: 5@ = allocate_memory_size 512
0BD7: samp get_dialog_text 5@
chatmsg "dialog text: %s" 5@

this prints: "dialog text: (null)" but

strlen 5@

returns a, in my opinion, good value.


Do you have any ideas?

Edited by Cartofar
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Try this:

0AC8: 5@ = allocate_memory_size 512
0BD7: samp get_dialog_text 5@
chatmsg "dialog text: %s" -1 5@


0C17: 6@ = strlen 5@
chatmsg "String lenght: %d" -1 6@


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