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Rob Zombie's The Munsters Image Reveals Jeremy Wheeler as Herman's Boss


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Rob Zombie's The Munsters adds Jeremy Wheeler to the cast as Herman's boss Mr. Gateman. Zombie's upcoming Munsters reboot is the latest in a long line of attempts to revive the original 1960s sitcom. The series' popularity earned a spinoff show, several follow-up movies including 1966's Munster, Go Home!, and more recently, Mockingbird Lane, a failed attempt to reboot The Munsters as a drama series on NBC. Now, horror icon Rob Zombie will bring back the classic sitcom in a feature-length film.


Zombie announced in 2021 that his next film would be The Munsters, which, as a life-long fan of the television series, he had been pursuing for more than twenty years. Since the film's confirmation, Zombie has been keeping fans updated with frequent social media posts. He promised that The Munsters would stay true to its original source and has shared behind-the-scenes pictures of the sets, costumes, and actors, even giving a glimpse inside 1313 Mockingbird Lane. Throughout the film's development, Zombie also announced that the cast would include Sherri Moon Zombie, Jeff Daniel Phillips, Daniel Roebuck, Richard Brake, Sylvester McCoy, and Cassandra Peterson.


With his latest Instagram update, Zombie has announced another member of The Munsters cast. Zombie posted a picture of Jeremy Wheeler with a caption announcing that he will be playing Mr. Gateman, Herman Munster's boss at Gateman, Goodbury, and Graves Funeral Home, in the upcoming movie. Zombie also teased, "Don't let that winning smile fool you...he's a grim man for a grim job." Check out Zombie's full announcement below:

Click here to see the original post.


Mr. Gateman only appeared in two episodes when The Munsters originally aired on CBS, "Herman's Raise" and "The Musician". In the original series, famed character actor John Carradine portrayed Mr. Gateman, who was a demanding yet fair boss. Gateman was often quick to fire Herman, and then just as quick to apologize and rehire the Munster patriarch. Considering Zombie's dedication to the original Munsters and his joke in the caption, it seems likely that Wheeler's Mr. Gateman will have a similar personality to Carradine's. Still, the question remains how large a role Mr. Gateman will have in Zombie's Munsters movie.

While plot details for The Munsters have yet to be released, perhaps the announcement of Wheeler's Mr. Gateman offers a small clue. Since Gateman fired Herman in both episodes he appeared in, it may be possible The Munsters will focus on Herman struggling to balance his family and his work. At the very least, this confirms that Zombie's film is really digging into the world of the original show. Still, until official details come from the director, fans of The Munsters will be kept in the dark.



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