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PVP is unbalanced in Diablo IV?


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Since the Diablo IV devs have built rewards around PVP zones this time, maybe they're thinking the community will adapt around OP builds by:


Grouping up against OP players griefing/dominating; and/or


Groups having characters that specifically CC players (stuns, knock-down, debuffs, walls etc).


My opinion is: PVP in Diablo IV is never going to be balanced. The entire notion of "balanced" pvp in a game as variable as Diablo IV is absurd. There are simply too many builds/gear combinations to ever have a balanced pvp experience.


If you want a game with balanced pvp, play one with very little variance between players like Counterstrike. As such, the only real difference between players is player skill.


The point of PVP in Diablo IV is a place to simply go, turn your brain off, and smash on some other players for a bit. That's it. If you get some cool Diablo IV Items/skins for your horse mount, cool.

You'll probably get steamrolled by some "OP build" and want to complain about it on the internet. Too bad. That'll never change. Expecting anything more is simply an exercise in futility.


In League of Legends, a game entirely balanced around PVP and designed by one of the most successful multiplayer developers in history, the majority of the game's roster is considered "non viable" for competitive play at any given time and this has been true for a decade.


Just accept the fact that ARPGs, which have even more variability between characters than MOBAs, are an inherently unbalanced game genre and have fun with it.


Source: https://diablo4.blizzard.com/

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@ ChristopherPaig



the source you posted goes to the game's official site, not the source article. please be more careful next time if you don't want to be sanctioned. This time I will just close the topic!


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Edited by KOPPEN
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