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Buying a car!

Chuck Gabbana

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You can buy a extortion and make business from it ... Exeample : You buy Extortion GSSF with 30milions dolar,and gave it to some person with 35milions...And you won money...YOu can go in a Mafia,and your sallary from it is 200,000$ + per week . When you up your level,your paycheck increase some money ... :) .

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Listen to me carefully , in case you do not have a job and u don't know how to earn money , i suggest to you to go in one of peaceful factions . There u earn money per day , and also u have meetings (ones a week) , and the leader will give u sallary(depends in what faction) . In majority of cases to enter this factions u must have at least level5 , than u apply to a faction , and the leader will accept/ignore you . If you want some more info. call me in game , my telephone number is : 5958 , i will help/explain you . Take care .

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