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🚓 LV Police Department 🚓 - 👮🏽 Testerul lunii | Tester of the month 👮🏽


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LV Police Department - Testerul Lunii







      Testerul lunii este un concurs lunar marca Las Venturas Police Department. La fiecare inceput de luna, Testerul cu cele mai multe teste sustinute in luna trecuta va fi desemnat Testerul Lunii iar in functie de cate teste a acordat, va beneficia de premiile:


3 teste sustinute - Posibilitatea de a purta skin de grad superior
4 teste sustinute - Raport injumatatit

5+ teste sustinute - Raport Optional


ATENTIE : Puteti folosi premiile doar in decursul lunii in care ati fost declarat Testerul Lunii.


Model Testerul Lunii:

Nick Lider:
Nick-ul castigatorului:
Rank-ul castigatorului:
Numarul testelor:








      Tester of the Month is a monthly contest organised by Las Venturas Police Department. At the beginning of each month, the Tester with the most tests carried out last month will be designated the Tseter of the Month and depending on how many tests he has given, he will benefit from the prizes:


3 supported tests - The possibility of wearing a higher rank skin
4 tests supported - Halved Raport

5+ tests supported - Optional Raport


ATTENTION: You can use the prizes only during the month in which you were declared the Tester of the Month.



Model Tester of the Month:

Nick Leader:
Nick of the winner:
Rank of the winner:
Number of tests:



Edited by lamapedro111
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