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B-Olympics - Regulament | Rules

TLG George

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Participand la olimpiada, sunteti de acord cu toate regulile scrise mai jos.


Reguli generale:


1. Sunteti obligati sa ascultati de organizatori si sa va conformati cu spusele acestora.

2. In cazul unui comportament necorespunzator din partea unui participant la una din probe, acesta va fii descalificat de la proba respectiva si de la toate celelalte probe la care doreste sa mai participe si va fi adaugat pe blacklist-ul B-Olympics.

2.1 De asemenea, factiunea / clanul din care respectivul jucator face parte va fi penalizata cu un anumit numar de puncte sau chiar adaugata pe blacklist-ul B-Olympics.

3. In cazul in care o factiune / un clan deranjeaza desfasurarea probelor, aceasta va fii descalificata de la proba respectiva si depunctata din scorul general, daca este cazul.

3.1 De asemenea, aceasta factiune / acest clan va fi adaugat/a si pe blacklist-ul B-Olympics, in functie de problema creata.

4. In cazul in care o factiune / un clan sau un participant membru al unei factiuni / unui clan triseaza / are o tentativa de a trisa, aceasta va fii descalificata de la proba respectiva si depunctata din scorul general.

5. In cazul in care vedeti o tentativa de frauda / comportament neadecvat care a trecut neobservat de organizare, puteti sesiza acest lucru printr-un PM insotit de dovezi. Niciodata nu se vor face sesizari in timpul probelor.

6. In cazul in care cineva incearca sa mituiasca organizarea sau pe oricine altcineva in favoarea lor / a factiunii / a clanului, respectivul jucator va fii descalificat de la toate probele ce urmeaza si va fi adaugat pe blacklist-ul B-Olympics.

7. In cazul in care vorbiti pe chat neintrebati sau faceti spam, veti fi descalificati de la proba respectiva.


Reguli suplimentare:


1. Trebuie sa respectati numarul de membrii necesari fiecarei probe. Pe langa acesti membrii, vor putea asista si liderii / jucatorii de rank mare care organizeaza factiunea / clanul in lipsa liderului. Aceasta regula se aplica numai in cazul in care organizatorul crede ca este necesar.

2. Nu aveti voie sa folositi alte arme decat cele primite de la oraganizatori. Prin aceasta regula ma refer la arms dealeri, carora le este interzis sa isi faca arme lor sau altor jucatori, acestia vor fi adaugati pe blacklist-ul B-Olympics in cazul incalcarii regulii.

3. Nu aveti voie sa faceti abuz de niciun fel, caz in care veti fi sanctionat de catre admini.

4. Odata ce factiunea / clanul este inscris la olimpiada, liderul acestuia nu are dreptul de al mai retrage, in cazul in care factiunea / clanul isi anunta retragerea sau nu participa la jumatate din probele olimpiadei, acesta va fi adaugat pe blacklist-ul B-Olympics.





By participating in the olympics, you agree to respect all the rules from the below.


General rules:


1. You must listen to the organizers and obey all of the rules.

2. If a player has a bad behavior during one of the events, he will be disqualified from the current event and also from all the upcoming events and he will be added on the B-Olympics blacklist.

2.1 The player faction / clan will be punished with an specific number of points or it will be added on the B-Olympics blacklist.

3. If a faction / a clan disturbs the events, it will be disqualified from the current event and also downgraded from the general ranking.

3.1 This faction / clan will be added on the B-Olympics blacklist according to the problems created.

4. If a faction / a clan or a player-member of a faction / of a clan cheats or even tries to cheat, the faction / the clan will be disqualified from the current event and downgraded from the general ranking.

5. If you see a fraud attempt or any bad behavior that the organizers missed, you can PM the organizers with your proofs, only after the current event.

6. If a player tries to bribe the organizers or any other player / faction / clan in their advantage, the player will be disqualified from all the upcoming events and he / it will be added on the B-Olympics blacklist.

7. If you talk unquestioned or spam the chat, you will be disqualified from the current event.


Additional rules:


1. You have to respect the maximum number of players for each event. Beside those players, the leader or the highest ranked member who organizes the faction / the clan during the current event can also spectate, only if the organizer believes it necessary.

2. You are not allowed to use any other weapons than those you got from admins. This rules is meant to tell arms dealers that they can't give weapons to anybody, even themselves, these players will be added on the B-Olympics blacklist.

3. You are not allowed to abuse using any means, case in which you will be sanctioned by admins.

4. After the leader registered the faction / the clan he can't retracts it. If the faction / the clan will announce their retracts or will not participate to at least a half of olympic's tasks, it will be added on B-Olympics blacklist.

Edited by TLG George
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