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Cumperi gold? Atunci citeste asta inainte!

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Salutare! Daca doresti sa cumperi gold de pe shop, iti pot oferi cateva beneficii daca faci asta cumparand folosind link-ul meu.


Treaba este foarte simpla, iar ceea ce iti propun eu suna asa:




1 euro cumparat prin link = $30.000 de la mine pentru comanda

5 euro cumparat prin link = $150.000 de la mine pentru comanda

10 euro cumparat prin link = $300.000 de la mine pentru comanda 



Pentru a cumpara gold folosind link-ul meu, introduceti  in https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=1920  browser, iar facandu-va cont folosindu-l se va inregistra automat / sau logati-va si apasati pe link (foarte important sa fiti logati inainte, dupa care puteti apasa pe link, asta in cazul in care aveti un cont), iar tranzactia ma va ajuta si pe mine, si pe voi.




Dupa ce comandati gold, trebuie sa postati o poza in acest topic. In meniul de sus, apasati ORDERS. Faceti o poza cu print screen si dupa veti posta dupa urmatorul model:



Am comandat gold in valoare de:

Data in care am comandat:


Alte precizari:


Eu voi verifica pozele voastre, dar voi verifica si pe site daca ati efectuat sau nu comanda. Nu aveti cum sa ma pacaliti!




Spor la cumparaturi!









Howdy! If you want to buy gold from the shop, I can offer you some benefits if you do so by buying using my link.


The matter is very simple, and what I propose sounds like this:



1 euro bought through the link = $30.000 from me for the order

5 euro bought through the link = $150.000 from me for the order

10 euro bought through the link = $300.000 from me for the order




 To buy gold using my link, enter  in https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=1920 the browser, and creating an account using it will automatically register / or log in and click on the link (very important to be logged in first, after which you can click on the link, if you have an account), and the transaction will help both me and you.




After ordering gold, you must post a picture in this topic. In the top menu, press ORDERS. Take a picture with print screen and then you will post according to the following model:





I ordered gold worth:

Date I ordered:


Other specifications:



I will check your pictures, but I will also check on the site if you have placed the order or not. You can't fool me!




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On 8/10/2024 at 11:23 AM, A C E said:


Am comandat gold in valoare de:4E

Data in care am comandat:10.aug.2024


Alte precizari:Re si multumesc.

Dovada cu Transfer Bonus 

Vezi ca ai facut doar un order de 200 gold si nu 800 cum ai zis tu, tre sa comanzi ceva prin shop si nu sa bagi euro pe contul tau, aici este dovada

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Nume: ACE

Am comandat gold in valoare de: 20E

Data in care am comandat: 14.Ausgust.2024


Alte precizari: Multumesc sef! https://postimg.cc/3yVsRkH4 



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20 hours ago, A C E said:

Nume: ACE

Am comandat gold in valoare de: 20E

Data in care am comandat: 14.Ausgust.2024


Alte precizari: Multumesc sef! https://postimg.cc/3yVsRkH4 



Dovada cu Transfer Bonus

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