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Tow Truck Company - Informatii kituri / Informations kits


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În acest topic aveti explicat sistemul de chituri care tocmai s-a adaugat pe server si modificarile aduse jobului mecanic.



Informatii generale:

  • Nu mai este nevoie de SKILL 5 la mecanic pentru a intra in Tow Truck Comapny
  • De acum doar membrii Tow Truck Company mai pot oferi repair/refill jucatorilor.
  • Orice jucator intrat in factiune, ofera repair/refill ca si cum ar avea skill 10 la mecanic, indiferent de skill-ul pe care acesta il detine.
  • Daca un membru Tow Truck Company va oferi refill unui jucator cu cont premium ii va umple 150% rezervorul, iar daca nu are cont premium ii va umple 100%, indiferent de procentajul de conbustibil avut in masina la momentul respectiv.
  • Jucatorii pot sa-si repare singuri masina de la skill 1, dar le ofera doar 100HP, avansand in skill le creste HP-ul oferit si ajung la 1000HP.
  • Jucatorii pot sa-si alimenteze singuri masina de la skill 1, dar le ofera doar 55% fara cont premium, respectiv 83% cu cont premium, ajungand la skill 10 sa le ofere 100% fara cont premium si 150% cu cont premium.


Informatii kituri:

  • Pentru ca un jucator sa poata repara/alimenta singur masina are nevoie de kituri pe care le cumpara de la noi. Vindem kiturile prin comanda [/sellkit id repair/fuel suma], pretul pentru un kit de reparatii este 4,000$, iar pentru unul de alimentare este 8,000$.
  • Kiturile se pot cumpara si de la NPC de la HQ daca niciun membru Tow Truck Company nu este la datorie, dar pretul acesta este mult mai mare in comparatie cu cat vinde un membru Tow Truck Company. Pretul la kitului de repair de la NPC este: Skill 1-3: 15,000$; Skill 4-7 12,000$; Skill 8+ 10,000$, iar la kitul de alimentare este: Skill 1-3: 25,000$; Skill 4-7 20,000$; Skill 8+ 15,000$.
  • Kiturile au o durabiltiate de 100% la achizionare. Aceasta se consuma in functie de skill la fiecare utilizare. Incepand cu 15% la skill 1, ajungand la 5% pentru skill 10 la kiturile de reparatii, iar la kiturile de alimentare incepand cu 16% la skill 1, ajungand la 6% pentru skill 10.





In this topic you have explained the putty system that has just been added to the server and the changes made to the mechanical job. 



General information:


  • You no longer need SKILL 5 at the mechanic to enter the Tow Truck Comapny.  
  • From now on, only Tow Truck Company members can offer repair/refill to players.
  • Any player who joins the faction offers repair/refill as if he had skill 10 to the mechanic, regardless of the skill he has.
  • If a Tow Truck Company member will offer refills to a player with a premium account, it will fill their tank by 150%, and if they do not have a premium account, they will fill them by 100%, regardless of the percentage of fuel they had in the car at the time.
  • Players can repair their own car from skill 1, but it only gives them 100HP, advancing in the skill increases their HP offered and they reach 1000HP.
  • Players can refuel their own car from skill 1, but it only offers them 55% without a premium account, respectively 83% with a premium account, reaching skill 10 to offer them 100% without a premium account and 150% with a premium account.



Kits information:


  • In order for a player to be able to repair/refill the car himself, he needs kits that he buys from us. We sell the kits by ordering [/sellkit id repair/fuel price], the price for a repair kit is $4,000, and for a refill kit is $8,000.
  • Kits can also be bought from NPCs at HQ if no Tow Truck Company member is on duty, but this price is much higher compared to how much a Tow Truck Company member sells. The price of the repair kits from NPC is: Skill 1-3: $15,000; Skill 4-7 $12,000; Skill 8+ $10,000, and the fuel kits is: Skill 1-3: $25,000; Skill 4-7 $20,000; Skill 8+ $15,000.
  • The kits have a durability of 100% when purchased. It is consumed according to the skill at each use. Starting with 15% for skill 1, reaching 5% for skill 10 for repair kits, and for fuel kits starting with 16% for skill 1, reaching 6% for skill 10.
Edited by Kristi72
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