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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood The Da Vinci Disappearance


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The Da Vinci Disappearance reprezinta al 4-lea DLC. Precedentele DLC-uri sunt: Copernicus Conspiracy, Animus Project Update 1.0, Animus Project Update 2.0. Acest DLC nu va fi gratuit, va costa 10$/800 Microsoft Points.


Ubisoft a confirmat faptul ca DLC-ul The Da Vinci Disappearance este acum disponibil pentru Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Acest DLC ofera jucatorilor noi optiuni si misiuni pentru singleplayer, dar si un mod multiplayer mai variat.


Actiunea se petrece dupa caderea familiei Borgias din Roma, cand Leonardo Da Vinci este rapit de un cult secret, Hermeticists.



For the single player game, this downloadable content includes 8 new missions, 2 new locations, and 10 achievements. The multiplayer content includes two new game modes, new map and four new characters.

The PC version will include the DLC for free along with both Animus Project Updates.



Xbox360 Achivements:

1. Strong-Arm (10G) – Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke bomb more than 10 m at a guard.

2. High Roller (20G) – Win 10000 florins playing Hazard.

3. il Principe (100G) – Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.

4. Airstrike (20G) – Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.

5. GPS (20G) – Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.

6. Clowning Around (30G) – Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins.

7. Special Delivery (20G) – Double Assassinate from a parachute.

8. Grand Theft Dressage (20G) – Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.

9. Going Up (5G) – Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.

10. Easy Come, Easy Go (5G) – Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.


PS3 Trophies:

1. Strong-Arm (Bronze) – Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke Bomb more than 10 m at a guard.

2. High Roller (Bronze) – Win 10000 florins playing Hazard.

3. Airstrike (Bronze) – Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.

4. Special Delivery (Bronze) – Double Assassinate from a parachute.

5. Grand Theft Dressage (Bronze) – Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.

6. Going Up (Bronze) – Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.

7. Easy Come, Easy Go (Bronze) – Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.

8. il Principe (Silver) – Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.

9. GPS (Silver) – Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.

10. Clowning Around (Silver) – Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins.



Platforme: PS3, Xbox360, PC

Lansare: PS3 (9 Martie 2011), Xbox360 (8 Martie 2011), PC (22 Martie 2011)

Publisher: Ubisoft Montreal



Screenshots: 1 2 3 4





Sursa: videogamesblogger, wikipedia, gamespot, youtube

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Toata seria AC este super. Cel putin cu Brotherhood-ul este cel mai impresionant. Are un story line bine stabilit si mult altele. Grafica etc. Cred ca cei de la Ubisoft Bucharest au pus intentionat un Romanian Easter Egg :)). Il recunoastepti pe asta?112360566-4.jpg

Edited by ShottaS
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Toata seria AC este super. Cel putin cu Brotherhood-ul este cel mai impresionant. Are un story line bine stabilit si mult altele. Grafica etc. Cred ca cei de la Ubisoft Bucharest au pus intentionat un Romanian Easter Egg :)). Il recunoastepti pe asta?

Desigur. Este perversul de pe Targu' Ocna / è perverso sulla mia fiera. Nu-mi aduc aminte de el, oricum am cam dat skip la toate filmuletele, deoarece nu aveam rabdare sa le vad, dorind sa termin jocul mai repede.

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Tare Jocu

Frumos Jocul !!

Super Smecher

Tarre :X

Tare jocu.Mi-l iau sa il joc si eu !


Toti cei de mai sus au postat aiurea , sunteti rugati sa recititi regulamentul , pentru ca sunteti la prima abatere nu veti primi nimic dar data viitoare veti fi sanctionati .

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