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The Sims Medieval


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The Sims Medieval




EA anunta o noua serie Sims, `Medieval`, lansata sub brandul EA Play Label.

Dezvoltata pentru PC si Mac, urmeaza sa fie disponibila in primavara lui 2011 oferind un gameplay puternic si convingator nemaiintalnit pana acum.

Actiunea se desfasoara in Evul Mediu unde vei controla personajele epocii regi si regine, cavaleri si vrajitori, fierari si poeti alaturi de care te vei aventura intr-o serie de quest-uri menite sa creeze o atmosfera tipica acelei perioade.

Dezvoltatorii promit ca `Sims Medieval` va da nastere unor povesti pline de intrigi, romantism, conflicte si comedie.De asemenea iti ofera o noua modalitate de a experimenta lumea Sims cu noi caracteristici prin care fanii jocurilor de strategie si role-playing vor fi incantati sa controleze destinul unui intreg regat.




2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent (this a value for single core processor. If you have a laptop or a dual or a quad core the value is different. If you have a Centrino processor on your laptop the equivalent value is about the double, if you have a dual core the equivalent is x2, quad core is x4…)


128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

The latest version of DirectX 9.0c

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (check your Windows upgrade if you don't have service pack 2. If you have service pack 3 is ok!)

At least 5.3 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games



  • FOR WINDOWS VISTA (and/or WIN 7)

2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent (this a value for single core processor. If you have a laptop or a dual or a quad core the value is different. If you have a Centrino processor on your laptop the equivalent value is about the double, if you have a dual core the equivalent is x2, quad core is x4…)

1.5 GB RAM

128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (check your Windows upgrade if you don't have service pack 1. If you have service pack 2 is ok!)

At least 5.3 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games

Edited by A41 Blanco
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A fost facut un topic pe 21 martie aici , jocul a fost postat in New Games deoarece a doua zi era stabilita data de lansare adica 22 martie . Puteai totusi sa traduci cerintele de sistem , poate anumite persoane nu au cunostinte vaste in limba engleza . Plus ca jocul este un SIMULATOR , nu are ce cauta in RPG .



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