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* Nickname:kolo

* Screenshot-uri:-

* Informatii despre PC (configuratia calculatorului, antivirus, sistemul de operare, conexiunea la internet etc.):pai am 4gb ram , 512 mb video,antivirus bitdefender , windows xp ((e vreo problema?)) si cam 300/kbs viteza nu prea mare :D

* Descrierea situatiei:dau connecting pe mc.b-zone.ro si zice failed to connect to server connection refused : connection

what the f ** K ?!:O:-L

Edited by K0l0SaLl
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* Nickname:kolo

* Screenshot-uri:-

* Informatii despre PC (configuratia calculatorului, antivirus, sistemul de operare, conexiunea la internet etc.):pai am 4gb ram , 512 mb video,antivirus bitdefender , windows xp ((e vreo problema?)) si cam 300/kbs viteza nu prea mare :D

* Descrierea situatiei:dau connecting pe mc.b-zone.ro si zice failed to connect to server connection refused : connection

what the f ** K ?!:O:-L


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