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Timp rămas până în 2025

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3 questions


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Hello everyone !!


1.==> how can i pay someone wanna sell a personal car ? i see in the forum that a lot of people want buy them cars so how can i pay and how i will get it ? i know the cheapest is about 25.000.000 or more.

2.==>If i want join a family or a company i need a application i know but where i can find the application, if you can give me some links that will be good .

3.==> i want own a house what i must do ?


[Thank you in advance]

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First of all, if you want to buy a personal car you must have your money with you, cash. In order to get the car, the person that sells the car will type this: "/sellcarto [player] [price]", then you will get a text saying: ""X" wants to sell you his car for "Y", and you will have to type [/accept car]. It is just like a trade. If you type accept car you will get the car and he will get the money in the same time.


About the application, it depends where you want to join. First of all, you find all the factions here. When you find a faction that you want to join just search for the topic "Applications" and post your application there. Here is the topic of applications for "Taxi Cab Company". Sometimes, when the application topic is "locked" it means that that certain faction isn't recruiting members.


If you want to have a house and you have the money for it, you must first of all call an admin to witness your deal. You can call an admin using [/report *text*]. After that, you will go to the bank and transfer the money to the person who's selling you the house, and then, you go to the house and type /buyhouse right in front of it to buy it.


Hope I've been usefull.

Good luck and have fun playing.



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