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Nick: Capitanu
Rank: 6
Am dat test cu: BgdaNNN

Data: 20/04/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
Rezultat proba armelor: -

Rezoltat proba practica: -
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Ezitari foarte lungi si o parte din greseli facute la intrebari destul de simple. Repeta regulamentu si mai aplica o data, poate ne reintalnim!

Nick: Capitanu

Rank: 6
Am dat test cu: RawN

Data: 20/04/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6(6 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 3/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome. Orice intrebare ai, nu ezita sa folosesti /r.

Edited by Capitanu FBI
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Nick: Simii.

Rank: 6 (Assistant Director)
Am dat test cu: Supradoza

Data: 20/04/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6(6 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 1/6

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte mentiuni: Felicitari!

Edited by Simii S4F
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Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: .DroppeDZ.

Data: 20/04/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 3/6(3 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 3/6

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte mentiuni: Felicitari!

Edited by THELiAR
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Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: CLoAKsTeR

Data: 21/04/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6(4 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 5/6

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte mentiuni: Felicitari!

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Nick: Itani98

Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: Device

Data: 28/04/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6(6 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte mentiuni: Welcome back !

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Nick: HyperOwn
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Kidda

Data: 28/04/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6(6 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome back, dear.

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Nick: HyperOwn
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Dispositive

Data: 3/05/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6(4 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome back, pasarique.

Nick: HyperOwn

Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Mr.Pulpy

Data: 4/05/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6(4 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

Nick: HyperOwn

Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: HuskyGT

Data: 4/05/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 1/6(1 duel castigat)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Imi pare rau, poate da viitoare.

Edited by AIM HyperOwn
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Nick: Zikou
Rank: 5
I took test with: Bechir.
Date: 04.05.2016
Result of theoretical test: 0/3

Result of weapons test 6/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome

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Nick: HyperOwn

Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: JustiN

Data: 4/05/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Imi pare rau, poate da viitoare.

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Nick: Sonny

Rank: 6
Am dat test cu: RazvyBest

Data: 4/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6 ( duele castigate )

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome.

Edited by Sonnyy
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Nick: Gregoire

Rank: 5

Am dat test cu: Popek

Data: 05.05.2016

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0,5/3

Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6(duele castigate)

Rezultat proba practica: 3/3(3 arestari corecte)

Rezultat total: ADMIS

Mentiuni: Felicitari!

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Nick: mag1[c]
Rank: 5
Am dat test cu:

Data: 05/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0,5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6(6 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6 (toate corecte)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Bun venit!

Edited by mag1c
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Nick: Zikou
Rank: 5
I took test with: END.
Date: 09.05.2016
Result of theoretical test: 3/3

Result of weapons test 0/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Rejected
Other specifications: Next time !

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Nick: mag1[c]
Rank: 5
Am dat test cu:

Data: 07/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
Rezultat proba armelor: -

Rezoltat proba practica: -
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Invata mai bine data viitoare!

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Nick: Sonny
Rank: 6
Am dat test cu:

Data: 10/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 ( castigate )

Rezoltat proba practica: 3/3 ( puncte corecte )
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome.

Nick: Sonny

Rank: 6
Am dat test cu: demeZu

Data: 09/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 ( castigate )

Rezoltat proba practica: 3/3 ( puncte corecte )
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome.

Edited by Sonnyy
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Nick: HyperOwn
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Ionut.[LEGEND]

Data: 11/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6(0 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Succes data viitoare.

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Nick: HyperOwn
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: D3NVER

Data: 16/05/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6(4 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome.

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Nick: ChevChelios
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: RULLEZ.[TARZAN]

Data: 15/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 (5 duele castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 3/3 aresturi facute corect.
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admins
Alte menţiuni:

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Nick: Zikou
Rank: 5
I took test with: Size
Date: 15.05.2016
Result of theoretical test: 0/3

Result of weapons test 4/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome

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Nick: Sonny
Rank: 6
Am dat test cu: Kinoto

Data: 10/05/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 3/6 ( castigate )

Rezoltat proba practica: 3/3 ( puncte corecte )
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome.

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Nick: Zikou
Rank: 5
I took test with: [AIM]Mezen.SalaaWi
Date: 31.05.2016
Result of theoretical test: 0/3

Result of weapons test 6/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome

Edited by AIM Zikou
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Nick: Zikou

Rank: 5
I took test with: Sniper_TN
Date: 31.05.2016
Result of theoretical test: 0.5/3

Result of weapons test 4/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome

Edited by AIM Zikou
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Nick: Vallilyy
Rank: 4 (Special Agent in Charge)
Am dat test cu: Unchiu.

Data: 31.05.2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6 (castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/3 presupun.
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis.
Alte menţiuni: Welcomeeee! <3

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Nick: Zikou
Rank: 5
I took test with: Nephilym
Date: 31.05.2016
Result of theoretical test: 2.5/3

Result of weapons test 6/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome , read the rules again

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