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Nick: [DM]Furuncul
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: Kong

Data: 26/12/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 (a castigat 5 duele)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6 (fara greseli)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 10/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

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Nick: MaxDefecTed21
Rank: 5
Am dat test cu:yonutz15

Data: 27.11.2015
Rezultat proba teoretica:3/3
Rezoltat proba armelor: -

Rezoltat proba practica: -
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni:-

Nick: MaxDefecTed21

Rank: 5
Am dat test cu:xcite

Data: 22.11.2015
Rezultat proba teoretica:1.5/3
Rezoltat proba armelor: 0/6

Rezoltat proba practica: 2/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte menţiuni:-

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Nick: [DM]Furuncul
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: SirBucifal

Data: 28/12/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6 (a castigat toate duelele)

Rezoltat proba practica: 1/6 (a avut o greseala)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 10/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

Edited by Section Chief Furuncul
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Nick: Teylo

Rank: 6 (Assistant Director)

Am dat test cu: HyperOwn

Data: 28.12.015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3

Rezoltat proba armelor: 4/6(4 castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6 (0 greseli)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte menţiuni: Bine ai venit!

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Nick: Simii.
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu:

Data: 28.12.2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 1.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6 (6 castigate)

Rezultat proba practica: 1/6( o greseala)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte menţiuni: Bine ai venit!

Edited by Simii S4F
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Nick: [DM]Furuncul
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: [LF]H4LoG3nN.

Data: 30/12/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 (a castigat 5 duele)

Rezoltat proba practica: 1/6 (a avut o greseala)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 7.5/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

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Nick: StartracK
Rank: 5
Am dat test cu:BigDrac(Bigevil)

Data: 12.01.2015
Rezultat proba teoretica:A dat cu simii.
Rezultat proba armelor: A dat cu simii.

Rezoltat proba practica: 5/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte menţiuni:Welcome.

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Nick: Simii.
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: BigDevil

Data: 12.01.2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6 (6 castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 5/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte menţiuni:Welcome.

Nick: Simii.
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Strandy

Data: 12.01.2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 (5 castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: -
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): -
Alte menţiuni: Bafta!

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Nick: [DM]Furuncul
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: [TH]Strandy

Data: 13/01/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3 - Simii
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 (a castigat 5 duele) - Simii

Rezoltat proba practica: 1/6 (a avut o greseala)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 8/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

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Nick: StarTrack
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: Wizzle

Data: 13/01/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica:-
Rezultat proba armelor: -

Rezoltat proba practica: 2/6 (a avut 2 greseali)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): IDK/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome! Tot iti dau report.

Edited by StaRtraCk ZeW AiM HaMERaS
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Nick: [DM]Furuncul
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: EminesWho

Data: 13/01/2015
Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 (a castigat 5 duele)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6 (fara greseli)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 9/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

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Nick: Simii.[s4F]

Rank: 4

Am dat test cu: xSorin

Data: 16/01/2016

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3

Rezultat proba armelor: 6/6 (a castigat 6 duele)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6 (fara greseli)

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): ADMIS

Alte menţiuni: Welcome! :)>-

Edited by Simii S4F
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Nick: Simii.
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: CrazyStunt

Data: 29.1.2016
Rezultat proba teoretica:0/3
Rezoltat proba armelor: 6/6(6 castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/3

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

Edited by Simii S4F
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Nick: [M]onter
Rank: 4
I took test with: Samer
Result of theoretical test: 2.5/3

Result of weapons test :2/6
Result of practical test: 0/6 by teylo
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted !
Other specifications: Congra !

Edited by Teylo
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Nick: Simii.
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Fritziiii

Data: 30.1.2016
Rezultat proba teoretica:0/3
Rezoltat proba armelor: 4/6(4 castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/3
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!


Nick: Simii.
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: Andrew

Data: 30.1.2016
Rezultat proba teoretica:0/3
Rezoltat proba armelor: 6/6(6 castigate)

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/3
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

Edited by Teylo
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Nick: fadDy_gemini
Rank: 4
I took test with: tobe_petes
Result of theoretical test: 0/3

Result of weapons test :0/6
Result of practical test: -0/6 (by teylo)
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Admis! Congra !
Other specifications: good luck in practical test

Edited by Teylo
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Nick: Furuncul
Rank: 5 (Section Chief)
Am dat test cu: [uS]SmaraAndrey.

Data: 30/01/2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6 (a castigat 4 duele)

Rezoltat proba practica: 1/6 (o greseala)
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 9/12 = ADMIS
Alte menţiuni: Welcome!

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Nick: [M]onter
Rank: 4
I took test with: ZiaD414
Result of theoretical test: 1/3

Result of weapons test :1/6
Result of practical test:
0/3 by capitanu
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome To FBI

Edited by AT MonSter FBI
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Nick: Teylo
Rank: 6
Am dat test cu: nabz0r

Data: 02.02.2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6

Rezoltat proba practica: 0/6
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admins
Alte menţiuni: Bun venit manzaor.

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Nick: [M]onter
Rank: 4
I took test with:
Result of theoretical test: 1.5/3

Result of weapons test :2/6
Result of practical test: 0/3 (By Teylo)

Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome to FBI

Nick: [M]onter

Rank: 4
I took test with: Hutwsay

Result of theoretical test: 1.5/3

Result of weapons test :2/6
Result of practical test: By Rank 5+

Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Not Yet
Other specifications: Good luck in proba 3

Edited by AT MonSter FBI
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Nick: StarTracK

Rank: 5

I took test with: Hutwsay
Result of theoretical test: IDK

Result of weapons test :IDK
Result of practical test: 2/6

Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted
Other specifications: Welcome , and GL to report .

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Nick: JAx
Rank: 4
Am dat test cu: L[o]rd
Data: 02.02.2016
Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
Rezultat proba armelor: 4-0 pentru mine.
Rezoltat proba practica: -
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Respins
Alte menţiuni: Bafta data viitoare.

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