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[Visual Basic] Simple Console Application


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Tutorial: How to Create a Simple Console Application that Prints Text


Difficulty: Extremely Easy

Time to Complete: Around 2 - 3 minutes

You need: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 or higher



File >> New >> Project >> Select Console Application >> Re-name it to whatever you like >> Press Ok


To start of you should get this, if you don't please start the top procedure again (where I said to go to file etc.) because you probably pressed the wrong one. So, after you have made your new project, the base code should look like this:


Module Module1

   Sub Main()

   End Sub

End Module


Press enter underneath "Sub Main()" and type this code; Console.WriteLine("Anything can be placed here")

So the code up to now should look like this:


Module Module1

   Sub Main()
       Console.WriteLine("Anything can be placed here")
   End Sub

End Module


Nearly done now, just need to add one more line underneath; Console.WriteLine("Anything can be placed here")

Press enter under that button and type the following code; Console.ReadLine()

So now your final and finished code should look like this:


Module Module1

   Sub Main()
       Console.WriteLine("Anything can be placed here")
   End Sub

End Module


If you have had any problems making this, contact me by PM'ing me or using the post feature below. I accept feedback and don't forget to give me a +!

Edited by Cdorsu
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